Professor of Mathematics
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-3875
Here are some of my papers since 1992. Note that most of these are preprint versions and so they may be different from the published versions.
Divisibility of Frobenius eigenvalues on l-adic cohomology.
Helene Esnault, Daqing Wan Proc. Indian Acad. Sci (Math. Sci), 2023, Special Issue in Memory of Professor C.S. Seshadri. |
p-Adic GKZ hypergeometric complex.
Lei Fu, Peigen Li, Daqing Wan and Hao Zhang Math Ann., 2023. |
Computing zeta functions of large polynomial systems over finite fields.
Qi Cheng, Maurice Rojas and Daqing Wan J. Complexity, 73(2022), Paper No. 101681. |
On jumped Wenger graphs.
Liping Wang, Daqing Wan, Weiqiong Wang and Haiyan Zhou Commun. Math. Res., 38(2022), no.2, 319-332. |
On Katz's (A,B)-exponential sums.
Lei Fu, Daqing Wan Q.J. Math., 72(2021), no.3, 773-793. |
Exponential sums over finite fields.
Daqing Wan J. Syst. Sci. Complex., 34(2021), no.4, 1225-1278. |
Rational points on complete symmetric hypersurfaces over finite fields. Jun Zhang, Daqing Wan Discrete Math., 343(2020), no.11, 112072. |
Deep holes of projective Reed-Solomon codes.
Jun Zhang, Daqing Wan and K. Kaipa IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66(2020), no.4, 2392-2401. |
Distance distribution in Reed-Solomon codes.
Jiyou Li and Daqing Wan IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66(2020), no.5, 2743-2750. |
Class numbers and p-ranks in Z_p^d-towers.
Daqing Wan Journal of Number Theory, 203 (2019), 139-154. |
Counting roots for polynomials modulo prime powers.
Qi Cheng, Shuhong Gao, Maurice Rojas and Daqing Wan ANTS 2018 (13-th Algor. Number Theory Symp.), Open Book Ser., 2 (2019), 191-205. |
Counting polynomial subset sums.
Jiyou Li and Daqing Wan Ramanujan Journal, 47(2018), 67-84. |
Genus growth in Z_p towers of function fields.
Michiel Kosters and Daqing Wan Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146 (2018), no.4, 1481-1494. |
Slopes for higher rank Artin-Schreier-Witt towers.
Rufei Ren, Daqing Wan, Liang Xiao and Myungjun Yu Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 370 (2018), 6411-6432. |
Artin conjecture for L-functions of p-adic representations of function fields.
Ruochuan Liu and Daqing Wan Mathematics Research Letters, 25 (2018), no.1, 143-157. |
On deep holes of Gabidulin codes.
Weijun Fang, Liping Wang and Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Applications, 54 (2018), 216-229. |
On lattice-based algebraic feedback shift registers
synthesis for multisequences.
Liping Wang and Daqing Wan Cryptography and Communications, 10 (2018), no.3, 455-465. |
Sparse univariate polynomials with many roots over finite fields.
Qi Cheng, Shuhong Gao, Maurice Rojas and Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Applications, 46 (2017), 235-246. |
Slopes of eigencurves over boundary disks.
Daqing Wan, Liang Xiao and Jun Zhang Math. Ann., 369 (2017), no. 1-2, 487-537. |
The eigencurve over the boundary of weight space.
Ruochuan Liu, Daqing Wan and Liang Xiao Duke Math. J., 166 (2017), no. 9, 1739-1787. |
Newton slopes for Artin-Schreier-Witt towers.
Christopher Davis, Daqing Wan and Liang Xiao Math. Ann., 364 (2016), no. 3, 1451-1468. |
On deep holes of projective Reed-Solomon codes.
Jun Zhang and Daqing Wan IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2016, 925-929. |
Index bounds for character sums of polynomials over finite fields,
Daqing Wan and Qiang Wang Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 81 (2016), no.3, 459-468. |
Deep holes in Reed-Solomon codes based on Dickson polynomials.
Matt Keti and Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Applications, Vol. 40 (2016), 110-125 |
A refinement of multivariate value set bounds.
Luke Smith and Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Applications, Vol. 38 (2016), 13-26. |
Linearized Wenger graphs.
Xiwang Cao, Mei Lu, Daqing Wan, Liping Wang and Qiang Wang Discrete Mathematics, 338 (2015), 1595-1602. |
On the minimun distance of elliptic curve codes.
Jiyou Li, Daqing Wan and Jun Zhang IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2015, 2391-2395. |
Traps to the BGJT-algorithm for discrete logarithms.
Qi Cheng, Daqing Wan and Jincheng Zhuang LMS J. Comput. Math. 17 (ANTS Special issue A) (2014), 218-229. |
L-functions of p-adic characters.
Christopher Davis and Daqing Wan Nagoya Mathematics Journal, Volume 213 (2014), 77-104. |
Algebraic Cayley graphs over finite fields.
Mei Lu, Daqing Wan, Liping Wang and Xiaodong Zhang Finite Fields & Applications, Vol. 28 (2014), 43-56. |
Stopping sets of algebraic geometry codes.
Jun Zhang, Fang-Wei Fu, and Daqing Wan IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 60, NO. 3, MARCH 2014, 1488-1495. |
Value sets of polynomial maps over finite fields.
Gary Mullen, Daqing Wan and Steven Wang Quarterly J. Mathematics, Oxford, 64(2013), no.4, 1191-1196. |
Counting value sets: algorithms and complexity.
Qi Cheng, Joshua Hill and Daqing Wan ANTS X, Proceedings of the Tenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, The Open Book Series, 1(2013), 235-248. |
Constructing high order elements through subspace polynomials.
Qi Cheng, Shuhong Gao and Daqing Wan SODA2012 (ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2012). |
Counting subset sums of finite abelian groups.
Jiyou Li and Daqing Wan J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 119(2012), No. 1, 170-182. |
Computing the error distance of Reed-Solomon codes
Guizhen Zhu and Daqing Wan TAMC 2012 (Theory and Applications of Models of Computation), LNCS, Vol 7287 (2012), 214-224. |
An asymptotic formula for counting subset sums over subgroups of finite fields.
Guizhen Zhu and Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Applications, 18(2012), No. 1, 192-209. |
Improvements of the Weil bound for Artin-Schreier curves.
Antonio Rojas-Leon and Daqing Wan Math. Ann., 351(2011), No.2, 417-442. |
Factorial and Noetherian subrings of power series rings.
Damek Davis and Daqing Wan Proceedings of American Mathematical Society, 139(2011), No.3, 823-834. |
Functional equations of L-functions for symmetric products of the Kloosterman sheaf.
Lei Fu and Daqing Wan Transactions of American Mathematical Society, 362(2010), NO.11, 5947-5965. |
A new sieve for distinct coordinate counting.
Jiyou Li and Daqing Wan Science China Math., 2010, 53(9), 2351-2362. |
On Katz's bound for the number of elements with given trace and norm.
Marko Moisio and Daqing Wan J. Reine Angew. Math., 638(2010), 69-74. |
T-adic exponential sums over finite fields.
Chunlei Liu and Daqing Wan Algebra & Number Theory, Vol. 3, 5(2009), 489-509. |
A deterministic reduction for the gap minimun distance problem.
Qi Cheng and Daqing Wan STOC 2009 (41st ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing), 33-38. Full paper published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol.58 (2012), No.11, 6935-6941. |
Primary decomposition of zero-dimensional ideals over finite fields.
Shuhong Gao, Daqing Wan and Mingsheng Wang Mathematics of Computation, 78(2009), No. 265, 509-521. |
On the subset sum problem over finite fields.
Jiyou Li and Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Applications, 14(2008), No.4, 911-929. |
Lectures on zeta functions over finite fields (Gottingen Lecture Notes).
Daqing Wan in Higher Dimensional Geometry over Finite Fields, eds: D. Kaledin and Y. Tschinkel, IOS Press, 2008, 244-268. |
On error distance of Reed-Solomon codes.
Yujuan Li and Daqing Wan Science in China Series A: Mathematics, Vol 51, 11(2008), 1982-1988. |
Complexity of decoding positive-rate Reed-Solomon codes.
Qi Cheng, Daqing Wan Proceedings of ICALP08, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Vol 5125(2008), 283-293. Full paper published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 56(2010), No. 10, 5217-5222. |
L-functions of symmetric products of the Kloosterman sheaf over Z.
Lei Fu, Daqing Wan Math. Ann., 342(2008), No. 2, 387-404. |
Modular counting of rational points over finite fields.
Daqing Wan Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 8(2008), No.5, 597-605. |
Trivial factors for L-functions of symmetric products of Kloosterman sheaves.
Lei Fu, Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Appl., V. 14, 2(2008), 549-570. |
Lucas type congruences for cyclotomic \psi-coefficients.
Zhi-Wei Sun and Daqing Wan International Journal of Number Theory, 4(2008), no.2, 155-170. |
Algorithmic theory of zeta functions over finite fields.
Daqing Wan Algorithmic number theory: lattices, number fields, curves and cryptography, 551–578, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 44, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2008. |
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Counting rational points on varieties over finite fields
of small characteristic. Alan Lauder and Daqing Wan Algorithmic number theory: lattices, number fields, curves and cryptography, 579–612, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 44, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2008. |
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On Fleck Quotients.
Zhi-Wei Sun and Daqing Wan Acta Arith., 127(2007), no. 4, 337-363. |
Moment zeta functions for toric Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces.
Antonio Rojas-Leon, Daqing Wan Communications in Number Theory and Physics, Vol.1, No.3 (2007), 539-578. |
On the list and bounded distance decodibility of Reed-Soloman codes.
Qi Cheng and Daqing Wan SIAM J. Computing, 37(2007), No.1., 195-207. |
L-functions of functions fields.
Daqing Wan in Number Theory, Proceedings of 4-th China-Japan Number Theory Seminar, eds: S. Kanemitsu and J.Y. Liu, 2007, 237-241. |
Mirror congruence for rational points on Calabi-Yau varieties.
Lei Fu and Daqing Wan Asian J. Math., 10(2006), 1-10. |
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Combinatorial congruences and \psi-operators.
Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Applications, 12(2006), 693-703. |
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Mirror symmetry for zeta functions.
Daqing Wan In Mirrror Symmetry V, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol.38, 2006, 159-184. |
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Arithmetic mirror symmetry.
Daqing Wan Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Math. 1(2005), Number 2, 369-378. |
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L-functions for symmetric products of Kloosterman sums.
Lei Fu and Daqing Wan J. Reine Angew. Math. 589(2005), 79-103. |
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On the list and bounded distance decodibility of Reed-Soloman codes.
Qi Cheng and Daqing Wan Proceedings of 45th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2004, 335-341. |
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Variation of p-adic Newton polygons for L-functions of exponential sums.
Daqing Wan Asian J. Math. Vol 8, 3(2004), 427-474. |
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Geometric moment zeta functions. Daqing Wan Geometric Aspects of Dwork Theory, Walter de Gruyter, 2004 , Vol II, 1113-1129. |
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Moment L-functions, partial L-functions and partial exponential sums. Lei Fu and Daqing Wan Math. Ann., 328(2004), 193-228. |
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On the p-adic Riemann hypothesis for the zeta function of divisors. Daqing Wan and C. Douglas Haessig J. Number Theory, 104(2004), 335-352. |
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Moment zeta functions in arithmetic geometry. Daqing Wan Proceedings of Second International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (Taipai, 2001) International Press, 2004, 115-131. |
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Rationality of partial zeta functions. Daqing Wan Indagationes Mathematicae, New Ser., 14 (2003), 285-292. |
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Hodge type of the exotic cohomology of
complete intersections. H'el`ene Esnault and Daqing Wan C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris., Ser I 336 (2003), 153-157. |
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Total degree bounds for Artin L-functions and
partial zeta functions. Lei Fu and Daqing Wan Math. Research Letters, 10 (2003), 33-41. |
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Computing zeta functions of Artin-Schreier
curves over finite fields II. Alan Lauder and Daqing Wan Journal of Complexity, 20(2004), 331-349. |
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Computing zeta functions of Artin-Schreier
curves over finite fields. Alan Lauder and Daqing Wan London Math. Soc. J. Comput. Math., 5(2002), 34-55. |
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Pure L-functions from algebraic geometry over finite fields. Daqing Wan in Finite Fields and Application, eds, D. Jungnickel, and H. Niederreiter, Springer, 2001, 437-461. |
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Partial zeta functions of algebraic varieties over finite fields. Daqing Wan Finite Fields & Appl., 7(2001), 238-151. |
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Higher rank case of Dwork's conjecture. Daqing Wan J. Amer. Math. Soc., 13(2000), 807-852. |
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Rank one case of Dwork's conjecture. Daqing Wan J. Amer. Math. Soc., 13(2000), 853-908. |
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Poles of zeta functions of complete intersections. Daqing Wan Chinese Ann. Math., 21(2000), 187-2000. |
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Dwork's conjecture on unit root zeta functions. Daqing Wan Ann. Math., 150(1999), 867-927. |
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A quick introduction to Dwork's conjecture. Daqing Wan Contemporary Mathematics, 245(1999), 147-163. |
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Computing zeta functions over finite fields. Daqing Wan Contemporary Mathematics, 225(1999), 131-141. |
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Dimension variation of classical and p-adic modular forms. Daqing Wan Invent. Math., 133(1998), 449-463. |
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Generators and irreducible polynomials over finite fields. Daqing Wan Math. Comp., 66(1997), 1195-1212. |
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Bounds for fixed point free elements in a transitive group and
applications to curves overfinite fields. Robert Guralnick and Daqing Wan Israel J. Math. 101 (1997), 255-287. |
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Entireness of L-functions of $\phi$-sheaves on affine complete
intersections. Yuichiro Taguchi and Daqing Wan J. Number Theory, 63 (1997), no. 1, 170-179. |
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L-functions of $\phi$-sheaves and Drinfeld modules. Yuichiro Taguchi and Daqing Wan J. Amer. Math. Soc. 9 (1996), no. 3, 755-781. |
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Meromorphic continuation of
$L$-functions of $p$-adic representations. Daqing Wan Ann. Math., 143(1996), 469-498. |
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On the Riemann hypothesis for the characteristic $p$ zeta function. Daqing Wan J. Number Theory, 58(1996), no. 1, 196-212. |
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A Chevalley-Warning approach to p-adic estimate of
character sums. Daqing Wan Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 123(1995), 45-54. |
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Newton polygons of zeta functions and L-functions. Daqing Wan Ann. Math., 137(1993), 247-293. |
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A p-adic lifting lemma and its application to permutation polynomials. Daqing Wan Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 141, Dekker, New York, 1993, 209-216. |
Zeta functions of algebraic cycles over finite fields. Daqing Wan Manuscript Math., 74(1992), 413-414. |
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