Math 2A (44140) - Fall 2015
Single Variable Calculus
Dr. Neil Donaldson
RH 472 (Rowland Hall)
Office Hours
MWF 10-12 + MW 4-5
Lecture Times
MWF 12-12.50pm RH 104
Webwork/Homework/Resources page
Discussion Sessions
Sec E50
(44145) WF 2-2.50pm PCB 120
Sec E51
(44150) WF 3-3.50pm ICF 103
Teaching Assistant
Shaun Benvie
Tutoring Center Hours (RH 592/594)
Tu 10-12, W 1-2, F 1-2
Make sure you attend the correct discussion class - there is limited space in each classroom and you will only have
your quizzes graded if you take/submit them in the correct section.
Functions, Exponentials and Logarithms, Limits, Continuity,
Derivatives, Implicit Differentiation, Linear Approximations,
Maxima/Minima, Mean Value Theorem, L'hopital's Rule, Optimization,
Course Text
James Stewart's Calculus: Early Transcendentals 7th, 8th or either UCI-custom edition
You are NOT required to buy the book as homework questions will not be collected,
however the text will be followed closely so it will be very useful to have a copy. If you are taking Math 2B
then any of the three versions will work. The UCI custom edition only covers 2A/B, not the multivariable classes
2D/E, although there is also a `multivariable' version available for when you get that far.
All references in the syllabus and to homework questions will be from the above version.
It is more important that you buy a textbook that you are going to keep and that you get to know (and hopefully love!),
so don't plan on selling it back at the end of the term. If you're balking at a hefty price-tag,
find a second-hand copy of a previous edition - the content is almost identical in any elementary calculus book.
For a more detailed syllabus, listing sections covered each day, click
The final grade for the course will be computed as follows: 40% Final, 20% each Midterm, 10% Quizzes, 10% Webwork
Your letter grade equivalent will be computed according to the scale: A 90-100%, B 80-90%, C 70-80%, D 60-70%
Once grades appear on eee there will be no further curving of the course.
- Suggested Homework Questions for each section can be found at the following links, depending on which version
of the book you have (7th)
These will not be collected, but you should do them all. Before the exam, you should be able to do them with your
book closed in which case you should achieve an A+ without breaking a sweat. If you do none of them, expect a D
or worse - it's up to you to be responsible for your own learning.
Quizzes: Six short quizzes will be given in discussion class: see the syllabus for exact dates.
Due to the number of students, no make-ups will be given for any reason. One quiz will be dropped.
WebWork: WebWork will be due most Fridays from week 3 onwards.
Instructions on how to access WebWork can be found
WebWork will not be accessible until week two. Several points will be dropped to allow for a few
rounding/entering errors.
There will two midterms during normal class time on
Monday October 19th
Friday November 13th
The final is on
Saturday December 5th
TBA. The exam will be comprehensive.
- The Tutoring Center is free to all UCI students
and manned most of the week by TAs - all of whom can answer any questions you have about calculus. Use them!
Add/Drop & Enrollment Questions
Refer to these links if you are on the wait list
or wish to add/drop/change grade option. All changes must be
made/requested online and are not within the purview of the Instructor
or TAs
Class policies
Please read the following before emailing: you may not get a response if your question is answered here.
- Read the UCI Calculus Page:
Many good things are contained therein, including the common final policy, past exams, etc. In particular, note the
make-up policy
for the common final: it is not within the power of the Professor to do anything about make-ups, you must deal
directly with the department via the make-up request form on the linked site. You'll also find links to videos on
the class material and background - especially useful if you need to catch-up on high-school level math.
- No make-up quizzes will be given. If you miss a midterm, make sure
you have documentation to back it up otherwise you will score zero.
- In accordance with the common final exam regulations, no calculators or
notes will be permitted in the midterms, and you must present a valid
photo ID (UCI ID card or driving license is best). UCI IDs are notorious
for photos being unrecognizable after a few weeks in a sweaty pocket:
make sure your photo is recognizably you or you may be asked to produce
an alternative.
- There will be no opportunity for extra credit.
- Any request to be treated differently to other students, except in the case of an emergency, will be denied or simply ignored.
This includes make-up quizzes/exams or any request to have your final grade changed. If you need to get a B- because you are on
academic probation then work hard enough to get an A.
- The final exams will be available for you to consult, but not take away, in the Winter quarter. This is an opportunity to
understand where you went wrong, NOT to haggle for extra marks.
- Academic Honesty: Both the Math department and UCI take a
dim view of dishonest behavior with regards to assessments:
e.g. submitting another's work as your own, copying during exams, bringing notes to exams, etc. Harsh penalties are in
place for students who try and are caught: depending on the seriousness you may be given an F for the assessment, for
the class as a whole, or even suspended from the University. Think before you try anything, for the result of getting
caught is always worse than the grade you'd get by acting honestly.
Studying Tips
- The purpose of coming to lectures is more to listen to what's being said rather than to copy what's on the board.
You will get the most out of class if you think about the problems being discussed and participate by trying to answer.
After the lecture, while the discussion is still fresh in your mind, you should write your notes out carefully, filling
in any gaps and adding any comments you heard in the lecture. If you don't understand what you've written, bring your
questions to discussion/office hours.
- Math is about being logical and communicating your understanding. This means writing in sentences!
Because we will be discussing and trying different approaches to solve problems in class, these examples will
often not be written 100% formally. When you write your notes, try to write up the class examples as formally as you can.
- All this work requires time: you should be spending at least as much time studying outside of lectures/discussions
as you spend inside. You shouldn't expect a good grade just from turning up to class. Treat college like a full-time job.
- Here's a good self-test. When you've finished writing some notes, or a homework answer, always ask
yourself two questions:
- Will I understand what I've written in a few weeks?
- Could someone else understand what I've written without my being there to help explain it?
If the answer to both these questions isn't yes, then you shouldn't expect to get an A...