On stability of Hawkes Process with Applications


Dmytro Karabash




Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - 2:00pm to 3:45pm


This talk is on a particular type of self-exciting process. In focus of this talk is study of stability under coefficients previously not touched in literature while local tails are proved as lemma. The tree structure and domination structure are observed and explicitly used in proofs. The main stability result lifts condition of 1-Lipschitz continuity that was previously imposed in Brémaud-Massoulié. First result replaces 1-Lipschitz condition with continuous modulus of continuity and second result allows jumps under some additional but natural assumptions. Generalizations and ramifications are provided. At the end we discuss applications to finance.

Hawkes-type HFT implies price impact.


Dmytro Karabash


Courant Institute, NYU


Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 2:00pm to 3:45pm



RH 340N

The importance of price impact in HFT is outlined via well known phenomena of micro-price. We look at price impact as macro phenomena and for its explanation turn to micro phenomena, specifically to order book dynamics modeled via multi-dimensional Hawkes processes. We then show that on the level of first-moment simplification of the model that this type of order book implies well known phenomena of price impact observed by Almgren and more precise one proposed by Gatheral.


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