Some refined results on mixed Littlewood conjecture for pseudo-absolute values


Wencai Liu


UC Irvine


Thursday, August 3, 2017 - 2:00pm to 2:50pm




The Littlewood conjecture states that $\liminf_{n\to\infty}||n\alpha|| ||n\beta|=0|$ holds for all real numbers $\alpha$ and $\alpha$, where $||\cdot||$ denotes the distance to the nearest integer. There are several other formulations of Littlewood conjecture, including the $p$-adic and mixed Littlewood conjecture. In this talk, I start with an introduction to the history of different versions of Littlewood conjecture.  Then I will present several refined results of mixed Littlewood conjecture for pseudo-absolute values.
Let $\mathcal{D}_1$,$\mathcal{D}_2,\cdots, \mathcal{D}_k$ be $k$ pseudo absolute sequences and define the  $\mathcal{D}$-adic norm $|\cdot|_{\mathcal{D}}:\N\to \{n_k^{-1}:k\ge 0\}$ by $|{n}|_\mathcal{D} = \min\{ n_k^{-1} : n\in  n_k\Z \}.$
Under some minor condition of $\mathcal{D}_1$,$\mathcal{D}_2,\cdots, \mathcal{D}_k$,  I set up the criteria of sequence $\psi(n)$ such that for almost every $\alpha$ the inequality
    |n|_{\mathcal{D}_1}|n|_{\mathcal{D}_2}\cdots |n|_{\mathcal{D}_k}||n\alpha||\leq \psi(n)
has infinitely many solutions for $n\in\N$. Under some minor condition of the pseudo absolute sequence $\mathcal{D}$, I also show that
for any $\alpha\in\R$, $\liminf_{n\to \infty}n|n|_a|n|_\mathcal{D}\|n\alpha\|=0.$

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Linear Dynamical Systems over a Finite Commutative Ring


Yi Ming Zou


University of Milwaukee


Monday, November 27, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Polynomial dynamical systems over finite fields or rings provide a useful tool for studying network dynamics, such as those of gene regulatory networks. In this talk, I will discuss linear dynamical systems over finite commutative rings. The limit cycles of a linear dynamical system over a finite field can be described by using the elementary divisors of the corresponding matrix. The extension of the study to a general finite commutative ring is natural and has applications. To address the difficulties in the commutative ring setting, we developed a computational approach. In an earlier work, we gave an efficient algorithm to determine whether such a system over a finite commutative ring is a fixed-point system or not. In a more recent work, we further analyzed the structure of such a system and provided a method to determine its limit cycles. 

Analytic aspects in the evalution of the multiple zeta and multiple Hurwitz zeta values


Cezar Lupu


University of Pittsburgh


Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk, we shall discuss about some new results in the evaluation of some multiple zeta values (MZV). After a careful introduction of the multiple zeta values (Euler-Zagier sums) we point out some conjectures back in the early days of MZV and their combinatorial aspects.

At the core of our talk, we focus on Zagier's formula for the multiple zeta values, $\zeta(2, 2, \ldots, 2, 3, 2, 2,\ldots, 2)$ and its connections to Brown's proofs of the conjecture on the Hoffman basis and the zig-zag conjecture of Broadhurst in quantum field theory. Zagier's formula is a remarkable example of both strength and the limits of the motivic formalism used by Brown in proving Hoffman's conjecture where the motivic argument does not give us a precise value for the special multiple zeta values $\zeta(2, 2, \ldots, 2, 3, 2, 2,\ldots, 2)$ as rational linear combinations of products $\zeta(m)\pi^{2n}$ with $m$ odd.

Secant varieties of Veronese embeddings


Steven Sam


University of Wisconsin


Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm


RH 440R

Given a projective variety X over a field of characteristic 0, and a positive integer r, we study the rth secant variety of Veronese re-embeddings of X. In particular, I'll explain recent work which shows that the degrees of the minimal equations (and more generally, syzygies) defining these secant varieties can be bounded in terms of X and r independent of the Veronese embedding. This is based on and

Anderson localization with degenerate energy levels.


Rajinder Mavi




Friday, July 7, 2017 - 2:00pm


RH 340N

We review Anderson localization via separation of resonances. We
introduce systems with apriori degenerate bare energies at large
distances. We demonstrate a form of Anderson localization. For a
simple system we discuss dynamical behavior between degenerate bare

Localization and delocalization for two interacting quasiperiodic particles.


Ilya Kachkovskii




Thursday, July 20, 2017 - 2:00pm


rh 306

Abstract: The talk is about several tentative results, joint with J. Bourgain and S. Jitomirskaya. We consider a model of two 1D almost Mathieu particles with a finite range interaction. The presence of interaction makes it difficult to separate the variables, and hence the only known approach is to treat it as a 2D model, restricted to a range of parameters (both frequencies and phases of the particles need to be equal). In the usual 2D approach, a positive measure set of frequency vectors is usually removed, and extra care needs to be taken in order to keep the diagonal frequencies (which is a zero measure set). We show that the localization holds at large disorder for energies separated from zero and from certain values associated to the interaction.

These “forbidden” energies do indeed obstruct the localization. One can easily show that, even in the non-interacting regime, zero can sometimes be an eigenvalue of infinite multiplicity. Moreover, in the case of large coupling at interaction and a special relation between the phases of the particles, we show that the interaction can create a “surface" band of ac spectrum, which can be described by an effective 1D quasiperiodic long range operator.

Discrete Bethe-Sommerfeld Conjecture


Rui Han




Tuesday, July 25, 2017 - 2:00pm


rh 306




In this talk we prove a discrete version of the Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture. 

Namely, we show that the spectra of multi-dimensional discrete periodic Schr\"odinger operators on ℤd​ lattice with sufficiently small potentials contain at most two intervals. 

Moreover, the spectrum is a single interval, provided one of the periods is odd, and can have a gap whenever all periods are even. This is based on a joint work with Lana.


On a sumset conjecture of Erdos


Isaac Goldbring




Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm


RH 340P

Erdos conjectured that a set of natural numbers of positive lower density contains the sum of two infinite sets. In this talk I will describe progress on the conjecture.  In particular, I will discuss the truth of the conjecture in the “high density” case and how this implies a “1-shift” version of the conjecture in general.  These aforementioned results use nonstandard analysis.  Time permitting,  I will also discuss the conjecture in model-theoretically tame contexts.


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