Random walks on percolation clusters


Professor Martin Barlow


University of British Columbia


Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

This talk will discuss random walks on percolation clusters.

The first case is supercritical ($p>p_c$) bond percolation in
$Z^d$. Here one can obtain Aronsen type bounds on the transition
probabilities, using analytic methods based on ideas of Nash.

For the critical case ($p=p_c$) one needs to study the incipient
infinite cluster (IIC). The easiest situation is the IIC on trees -
where the methods described above lead to an alternative approach to
results of Kesten (1986). (This case is joint work with T. Kumagai).

Recent Advances in Orbifold Theory


Professor Yongbin Ruan


Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison


Friday, November 12, 2004 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

In this talk, I will give a survey on
some of recent advances in orbifold theory and focus
on the application. It includes the computation for
cohomology of Hilbert scheme of points of algebraic surface,
symplectic resolution, twisted K-theory and many other stuff.

On the function field height zeta function


Mr. Doug. Haessig


UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 3:00pm


MSTB 256

Let X be a projective variety over a finite field
with function field K(X). Let Y be a projective variety
over K(X). We may associate to this a height zeta
function. In this talk, we will recall some facts
about these functions and provide some new results
and research directions.

A class of almost periodic Jacobi matrices, two-weight Hilbert transform, and noncommutative Perron-Frobenius theorem


Alexander Volberg


Michigan State University


Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We consider Jacobi matrices built on equilibrium measures of hyperbolic polynomials. We show their property, which, on one side, is related to almost periodicity of such matrices, and, on the other side, is a sort of noncommutative
Perron-Frobenius-Ruelle theorem. While proving these key property one is naturally brought to consider a two-weight Hilbert transform. Its boundedness can be proved in our situation, while the general two-weight Hilbert transform
boundedness criterion is not yet available.
We will mention other problems in spectral theory of Jacobi matrices, where this paradigm of nonhomogeneous harmonic analysis---two weight Hilbert transform---appears in the natural way.

Mathematical models in tumor growth


Professor Avner Friedman


Ohio State Univ.


Monday, February 7, 2005 - 11:00am


1114 Natural Sciences 1

Tumor growth has been modeled at the macroscopic level by using established physical laws coup
led with biological processes which are described in a phenomenological fashion. Such model c
onsists of a system of PDEs in the tumor region; this region is changing in time, and thus its
boundary is a "free boundary." In this talk, I shall introduce basic material on free bounda
ry problems, and then proceed to describe models of tumor growth. I shall state results on exi
stence theorems, the shape of the free boundary, and on its asymptotic behavior as time goes t
o infinity.

Localization and String Duality


Professor Kefeng Liu




Thursday, November 4, 2004 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

I will discuss the proofs of some conjectural formulas
about Hodge integrals on moduli spaces of curves.
The generating series for all genera and all marked
points of such integrals are expressed in terms of
finite closed formulas from Chern-Simons knot invariants.
Such conjectures were made by string theorists based
on large N duality in string theory. I will explain
our proofs from localization techniques. Their relation
to toric Calabi-Yau manifolds and equivariant index
theory in gauge theory will also be discussed.
These are joint works with C.-C. Liu, J. Zhou and J. Li.

Classical and Neo-classical operator spaces


Professor Bernie Russo




Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

The operator spaces $H_n^k$ $1\le k\le n$, generalizing the row and column Hilbert spaces, and arising in the authors' previous study of contractively complemented subspaces of $C^*$-algebras, are shown to be homogeneous and completely isometric to a space of creation operators on a subspace of the anti-symmetric Fock space. As an application, the completely bounded Banach-Mazur distance from $H_n^k$ to row or column space is explicitly calculated. This is joint work with Matt Neal.
An overview of "operator space theory" will be given.


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