Non-commutative Iwasawa theory


John Coates


University of Cambridge


Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Iwasawa theory, and especially its main conjectures, is the main tool for
studying the mysterious exact formulae in number theory linking the very
different mathematical worlds of purely arithmetic questions on the one
hand, with special values of complex L-functions on the other (typified by
the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer). My lecture will attempt to
explain how, in the special case of elliptic curves, non-commutative
phenomena which arise in each of these worlds lead to very unexpected
consequences in the other world.

On Deciding Deep Holes of Reed-Solomon Codes


Professor Qi Cheng


University of Oklahoma


Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

For generalized Reed-Solomon codes, it has been proved
that the problem of determining if a
received word is a deep hole is co-NP-complete.
The reduction relies on the fact that
the evaluation set of the code can be exponential
in the length of the code --
a property that practical codes do not usually possess.
In this talk, we first present a much simpler proof of
the same result. We then consider the problem for standard
Reed-Solomon codes, i.e. the evaluation set consists of
all the nonzero elements in the field.
We reduce the problem of identifying deep holes to
deciding whether an absolutely irreducible
hypersurface over a finite field
contains a rational point whose coordinates
are pairwise distinct and nonzero.
By applying Cafure-Matera estimation of rational points
on algebraic varieties, we prove that
the received vector $(f(\alpha))_{\alpha \in \F_p}$
for the Reed-Solomon $[p-1,k]_p$, $k < p^{1/4 - \epsilon}$,
cannot be a deep hole, whenever $f(x)$ is a polynomial
of degree $k+d$ for $1\leq d < p^{3/13 -\epsilon}$.
This is a joint work with Elizabeth Murray.

Grobner Bases and Linear Codes


Professor Shuhong Gao


Clemson University


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Abstract: We show how Grobner basis theory can be used in coding
theory, especially in the construction and decoding of linear codes.
A new method is given for construction of a large class of linear codes
that has a natural decoding algorithm. It works for any finite field
and any block length. The codes constructed include as special cases
many of the well known codes such as Reed-Solomon codes, Hermitian
codes and, more generally, all one-point algebraic geometry codes.
This method also allows us to construct random codes for which
our decoding algorithm performs reasonably well. Joint work with
Jeffrey B. Farr.

Mumford curves parameterizing hyperelliptic curves


Samuel Kadziela


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Tate's work on Rigid Analytic Spaces can be used to obtain the
$p$-adic uniformization of a curve. In this talk, I will describe a
criterion determining which hyperelliptic curves admit this type of
uniformization. Then, we will discuss Mumford curves, which are the
uniformizing spaces, and explain how to approximate the $p$-adic
uniformization of a given totally split hyperelliptic curve.

Attacking the ABC Conjecture with elliptic curves


Lily Khadjavi


Loyola Marymount University


Tuesday, May 1, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

This talk will investigate the ABC Conjecture, an open problem with a surprising number of implications, viewed by some as a "holy grail" of number theory. We'll describe the conjecture and then consider an idea of Noam Elkies' which exploits special maps from curves to the projective line. Exploiting the group structure of elliptic curves along with these maps, we make progress towards a weak ABC Conjecture. This is joint work with Victor Scharaschkin.

ell-torsion of Abelian Varieties


Chris Hall


University of Texas


Tuesday, April 24, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Let $K$ be a number field and $E/K$ an elliptic curve without
complex multiplication. A well-known theorem of Serre asserts that the
Galois group of $K(E[\ell])/K$ is as all of ${\rm GL}_2(\Z/\ell)$ for any
sufficiently large prime $\ell$. If we replace $E/K$ by a polarized abelian
variety $A/K$ with trivial endomorphism ring, then Serre later showed
that the Galois group of $K(A[\ell])/K$ is also as large as possible, for
all sufficiently large $\ell$, provided $\dim(A)$ is 2,6 or odd. We will
show how to prove a similar result for `most' $A$ and without any
restriction on $\dim(A)$.

Building solutions to nonlinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations.


Professor Adam Oberman


Simon Fraser


Monday, May 21, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs)
appear in problems from science, engineering, atmospheric/ocean studies,
image processesing, and mathematical finance.

The theory of viscosity solutions has been enormously successful
in addressing the problems of existence, uniqueness,
and stability for a wide class of such equations.

A problem which has not been addressed with as much success
is the construction of solutions. In some cases,
exact solutions formulas exist, but for the most part,
solutions must be found numerically.

In the past schemes for first order equation were built by exploiting
the connection with conservation laws.
Building schemes for second order equations was more of a challenge.

We introduce a framework for building monotone schemes which converge
to the viscosity solution.
This framework allows explicit nonlinear finite difference schemes to
be built.

We will present convergent schemes and computational results for:
level set motion by mean curvature, the convex hull, the infinity
Laplacian, the Monge-Ampere equation, and other equations.

Cramer-Rao Bounds for Chemical Species Separation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Angel Pineda


Cal State Fullerton


Monday, May 7, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses the resonance of the nucleus of
chemical species to generate images of their spatial distribution. In
medical MRI, a simple model considers tissue as made up of only water
and fat. Most of the clinically relevant information is in the water
signal and the fat signal is considered clutter to be suppressed. The
separation of water and fat based on the difference of their resonance
frequencies using multiple images provides a robust method for fat
suppression in areas where the magnetic field is inhomogeneous. In this
talk, we will show how to propagate the uncertainty due to imperfections
of the magnetic field into our estimate of water and fat. The
optimization of data acquisition based on the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for
this nonlinear problem leads to new optimal solutions which do not arise
when the magnetic field is assumed to be homogeneous. A reconstruction
based on maximum likelihood estimation allows us to achieve the CRB for
realistic noise levels which is verified by Monte Carlo simulations,
experimentally and clinically. Our acquisition and reconstruction is
part of a method for chemical species separation currently used by
General Electric MRI scanners.


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