Tight contact structures on Seifert fibered 3-manifolds


Professor Andras Stipsciz


Renyi Mathematics Institute, Budapest and Columbia


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

After discussing the basics of contact surgery in dimension 3, and introducing contact Ozsvath-Szabo invarinats, we show that a Seifert fibered 3-manifold does admit a positive tight contact structure unless it is orientation preserving diffeomorphic to the result of (2n-1)-surgery along the T(2,2n+1) torus knot (for some positive integer n).

Chern-Weil forms on CY moduli


Professor Zhiqin Lu




Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We proved that the integration of the Chern-Weil forms on CY moduli are always rational numbers. This result follows from a more general one: the integration of the Chern-Weil forms of the Hodge bundles on any coarse moduli spaces are rationa numbers. When the dimension of the moduli space is one, this was a result of Zucker and Peters. For the fisrt Chern class, this was proved by Kollar.

We will also discuss the applications in string theory. This is joint with M. Douglas.

Spectral Properties of the Dirichlet to Neumann Operator on Lipschitz Domains


Professor Wolfgang Arendt


Ulm University, Germany


Tuesday, September 25, 2007 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Abstract: We define the Dirichlet to Neumann Operator by form methods on
arbitrary Lipschitz domains. This is done with the help of a weak
definition of the normal derivative. The Dirichlet to Neumann Operator is
a selfadjoint operator with compact resolvent. Its spectrum is closely
related to the spectra of the Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions.
Among diverse interesting spectral properties we obtain a result by
Friedlander from 1992 which says that the (n+1)-th eigenvalue of the
Neumann Laplacian is smaller or equal than the n-th eigenvalue of the
Dirichlet Laplacian.

News from transfer matrix methods


Hermann Shulz-Baldes


Erlangen, Germany


Thursday, August 30, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

A rotation number calculation for Jacobi marices with matrix entries
is presented. This allows to derive a formula for the density of states
in the case of a random Jacobi matrix with matrix entries. In order
to evaluate the appearing Birkhoff sums perturbatively with a good
control of the error terms, a certain Fokker-Planck operator on the
symmetric space of Lagrangian planes is used. The latter result
follows from a general pertubative analysis of random Lie group
actions on compact Riemannian manifolds.

On the Chern numbers of algebraic varieties


Professor Dieter Kotschick


Universitat Munchen


Tuesday, October 2, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In 1954 Hirzebruch asked which linear combinations of Chern numbers are topological invariants of smooth complex projective varieties. We give a complete answer to this question in small dimensions, and also prove partial results without restrictions on the dimension.

Spectral Analysis of Brownian Motion with Jump Boundary


Professor Wenbo Li


University of Delaware


Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - 10:00am


MSTB 254

Consider a family of probability measures $\{\mu_y : y \in
\partial D\}$ on a bounded open domain $D\subset R^d$ with smooth
For any starting point $x \in D$, we run a
a standard $d$-dimensional Brownian motion $B(t) \in R^d $ until it first
exits $D$ at time $\tau$,
at which time it jumps to a point in the domain $D$ according to the
measure $\mu_{B(\tau)}$ at the exit time,
and starts the Brownian motion afresh. The same evolution is repeated
independently each time the process reaches the boundary.
The resulting diffusion process is called Brownian motion with jump
boundary (BMJ).
The spectral gap of non-self-adjoint generator of BMJ, which describes the
rate of convergence to the invariant measure, is studied.
The main analytic tool is Fourier transforms with only real zeros.


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