Generating Non-intuitive Insight at the Intersection of Math and Biology


NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow Suzanne Sindi


Brown University


Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - 11:00am


NatSci 2 Room 3201

Mathematical models have become essential tools in the increasingly quantitative world of biology. In some cases, mathematics can reveal patterns in pre-existing static biological data. In other cases, mathematical models can interact dynamically with experimental biology by providing insight into observed phenomena as well as generating novel and non-intuitive hypotheses to motivate experimental design. In this talk, I will present my recent work in both of these realms of mathematical biology.

I developed a mathematical model to discover inversion structural variants in human populations from pre-existing SNP data. Inversion chromosomal variants have long been considered important in understanding speciation because large inversions create reproductive isolation by suppressing recombination between inverted and normal chromosomes. Recent studies have identified many polymorphic inversion variants in human populations. Many of these inversions appear to have functional consequences and have been associated with genetic disorders and complex diseases, such as asthma. In addition, there is evidence some inversions may be under positive selection. I created a probabilistic mixture to identify putative inversion polymorphisms from phased haplotype data. By examining characteristic differences in allele frequencies around candidate inversion breakpoints, I partition the population into "normal" and "inverted" chromosomes. Predictions from my model are supported by previously validated inversions and represent a rich new source of candidate inversion polymorphisms.

In collaboration with experimental yeast biologists, I developed and validated a new model of prion transmission. Prion proteins are responsible for severe neurodegenerative disorders, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle ("mad cow" disease) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. These diseases arise when a protein adopts an abnormal folded state and persists when that form self-replicates. While prion diseases are progressive, evidence in yeast suggests that this process can be reversed and eliminated. To understand the mechanistic basis of this "curing", I developed a stochastic model of prion dynamics that suggested a new theory for prion transmission. Results from my model guided experimental design, leading to new and non-intuitive insights about propagation of the abnormal fold through a population.

Spatial Stochastic Simulation of Polarization in Yeast Mating


Linda Petzold


UC Santa Barbara


Monday, June 6, 2011 - 12:00pm


Nat Sci 2, Room 3201

In microscopic systems formed by living cells, the small numbers of some reactant molecules can result in dynamical behavior that is discrete and stochastic rather than continuous and deterministic. Spatio-temporal gradients and patterns play an important role in many of these systems. In this lecture we report on recent progress in the development of computational methods and software for spatial stochastic simulation. Then we describe a spatial stochastic model of polarisome formation in mating yeast. The new model is built on simple mechanistic components, but is able to achieve a highly polarized phenotype with a relatively shallow input gradient, and to
track movement in the gradient. The spatial stochastic simulations are able to reproduce experimental observations to an extent that is not possible with deterministic simulation.

Lattice Gas Cellular Automata modeling of lineage dynamics and feedback control


Shabnam Moobedmehdiabadi


UC Irvine


Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

This study is important in understanding the mechanism and dynamics of some biological problems such as tumor invasion and wound healing. Firstly, we describe microscopically the model and we derive the corresponding mesoscopic approximation, via the mean field assumption. In the following, we upscale our model providing a PDE which serves as
a macroscopic manifestation of the underlying cellular interactions. We focus on investigating the speed and the structure of the invasion
front, using the above mentioned approximations, as functions of the underling cell phenotypes and microenvironmental factors (i.e. nutrients).

Recent advances in soliton theory


Professor Claudio Muoz




Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - 3:00pm


RH 306

In this talk I will discuss some recent progress made in the area of
non-linear dispersive PDEs, concerning the behavior of solitons and
multi-soliton solutions for non-integrable Korteweg-de Vries equations(KdV).
The main objective is to give a brief description of the
2-soliton collision for generalized KdV equations (Martel-Merle,
arXiv:0709.2672; M., arXiv:0903.1240).

Introduction to Exterior Differential Systems II


Professor Colleen Robles


University of Texas A&M


Thursday, March 3, 2011 - 3:30pm


RH 340N

The Cartan-Kahler theory for exterior differential systems (EDS) is a powerful tool in the study of over-determined systems and geometric systems with symmetry. I will present the machinery for linear Pfaffian systems, the setting in which the theory is most commonly applied. (The prolongation of any EDS is linear Pfaffian.) We will discuss tableau, torsion, involutivity, prolongation and Cartan's Test. I will illustrate the method with many examples, and hope to convince the audience of the power and elegance of the machinery.

If time permits, I will briefly discuss the Cartan-Kalher theory for general EDS: this is the machinery R. Bryant used to prove the existence (and construct examples) of metrics of exceptional holonomy in 1987.

Introduction to Exterior Differential Systems I


Professor Colleen Robles


University of Texas A&M


Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - 10:00am


RH 340N

The Cartan-Kahler theory for exterior differential systems (EDS) is a powerful tool in the study of over-determined systems and geometric systems with symmetry. I will present the machinery for linear Pfaffian systems, the setting in which the theory is most commonly applied. (The prolongation of any EDS is linear Pfaffian.) We will discuss tableau, torsion, involutivity, prolongation and Cartan's Test. I will illustrate the method with many examples, and hope to convince the audience of the power and elegance of the machinery.

If time permits, I will briefly discuss the Cartan-Kalher theory for general EDS: this is the machinery R. Bryant used to prove the existence (and construct examples) of metrics of exceptional holonomy in 1987.

The tree property and the failure of SCH at \alpeh_{\omega^2} IV


Dr Dima Sinapova




Monday, February 14, 2011 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

The tree property at \kappa^+ states that every tree with height \kappa^+ and levels of size at most \kappa has an unbounded branch. There is a tension between the tree property and the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis (SCH). Woodin asked if the failure of SCH at a singular cardinal \kappa implies the tree property at \kappa^+. Recently Neeman answered this question in the negative. Here we show that this result can be obtained at small cardinals. In particular we will show that given \omega many supercompact cardinals there is a generic extension in which the tree property holds at \aleph_{\omega^2+1} and SCH fails at \aleph_{\omega^2}.


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