Volume estimates for metric measure spaces


Professor Detang Zhou


Universidade Federal Fluminense


Tuesday, January 10, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

A smooth metric space is a Riemanian manifold together with a weighted volume. It is naturally associated with a weighted Laplacian. In this talk, I will discuss some recent results about function theoretic and spectral propeties of the weighted Laplacian and volume estimates for the volume and weighted volume. The results can be applied to study the shrinking gradient Ricci solitons and self-shrinker for mean curvature flows.

Motion of fluids in the presence of a boundary


Gung-Min Gie


University of California - Riverside


Thursday, March 8, 2012 - 3:00pm


RH 306

In most practical applications of fluid mechanics, it is the interaction of the fluid with the boundary that is most critical to understanding the behavior of the fluid. Physically important parameters, such as the lift and drag of a wing, are determined by the sharp transition the air makes from being at rest on the wing to flowing freely around the airplane near the wing. Mathematically, the behavior of such flows are modeled by the Navier-Stokes equations. In this talk, I will discuss the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations at small viscosity under various boundary conditions.

Analysis and control of coupled slow and fast dynamics


Professor Zvi Artstein


Weizmann Institute


Thursday, February 16, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk, which will be will be aimed at a general math audience, we shall overview an approach to analyze coupled slow-fast dynamics via Young measures, namely, via probability measure valued maps. The framework is ordinary differential equations, possibly controlled.

We shall address the modeling issue, motivating examples, the mathematical analysis and, in brief, numerical prospects.

Bounding the size of inclusions in a body from boundary measurements


Distinguished Professor Graeme Milton


University of Utah


Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 2:00pm


Natural Sciences 2 Room 1201

An important question is to non-invasively find the volume of each phase in body, by only probing its response at the boundary. Here we consider a body containing two phases arranged in any configuration, and address the inverse problem of bounding the volume fraction of each phase from electrical tomography measurements at the boundary, i.e. measurements of the current flux through the boundary produced by potentials applied at the boundary. It turns out that this problem is closely related to the extensively studied problem of bounding the effective conductivity of periodic composite materials. Those bounds can be used to bound the response of an arbitrarily shaped body, and if this response has been measured, they can be used to extract information about the volume fraction.

Numerical experiments show that for a wide range of inclusion shapes one of the bounds turns out to be close to the actual volume fraction. The bounds extend those obtained by Capdeboscq and Vogelius for asymptotically small inclusions. The same ideas can be extended to elasticity and used to incorporate thermal measurements as well as electrical measurements. The translation method for obtaining bounds on the effective conductivity can also be applied directly to bound the volume fraction of inclusions in a body. This is joint work with Hyeonbae Kang and Eunjoo Kim.

Metamaterials: high contrast composites with unusual properties


Distinguished Professor Graeme Milton


University of Utah


Thursday, May 10, 2012 - 4:00pm


Natural Sciences 2 Room 1201

Composite materials can have properties unlike any found in nature, and in this case they are known as metamaterials. Recent attention has been focused on obtaining metamaterials which have an interesting dynamic behavior. Their effective mass density can be anisotropic, negative, or even complex. Even the eigenvectors of the effective mass density tensor can vary with frequency. Within the framework of linear elasticity, internal masses can cause the effective elasticity tensor to be frequency dependent, yet not contribute at all to the effective mass density at any frequency. One may use coordinate transformations of the elastodynamic equations to get novel unexpected behavior. A classical propagating wave can have a strange behavior in the new abstract coordinate system. However the problem becomes to find metamaterials which realize the behavior in the new coordinate system. This can be solved at a discrete level, by replacing the original elastic material with a network of masses and springs and then applying transformations to this network. The realization of the transformed network requires a new type of spring, which we call a torque spring. The forces at the end of the torque spring are equal and opposite but not aligned with the line joining the spring ends. We show how torque springs can theoretically be realized. This is joint work with Lindsay Botton, Mark Briane, Andrej Cherkaev, Fernando Guevara Vasquez, Ross McPhedran, Nicolae Nicorovici, Daniel Onofrei, Pierre Seppecher, and John Willis.

Doubly Infinite Matrices: Algebra Needs Help From Analysis


Professor Gilbert Strang




Thursday, February 2, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 306

A typical step in matrix algebra is elimination, and its description as a triangular factorization. For a doubly infinite banded Toeplitz matrix A, that step is made easy by factoring the polynomial a(z) whose coefficients come from the diagonals of A. What to do if A is not Toeplitz?

A nice case is a permutation matrix (on Z). Which is the main diagonal? For the (Toeplitz) example of a shift matrix, the main diagonal contains the 1's. We identify the correct diagonal for every banded permutation. Then we consider banded matrices (not Toeplitz!) as operators on L2(Z) and ask about their factorization.

A special case is when the inverse of A is also banded -- these matrices factor into block-diagonal matrices. The help coming from analysis is the theory of Fredholm operators.

Teaching and Learning: In Class and on the Web


Professor Gilbert Strang




Tuesday, January 31, 2012 - 4:00pm


NS2 2201

This talk is a chance to think about my own experience teaching mathematics at MIT (for 50 years). My classes seem to be popular (I think) because the goal is to teach what students can remember and use. The video lectures on MIT's open website ocw.mit.edu show the linear algebra classes as they are. We will look briefly to see how to improve them ! A mixture of seriousness and humanity seems to be important.

These are golden years for mathematics and crucial years for education -- I hope for discussion with the audience about where we are going.

Competing first passage percolation on random regular graphs


Tonci Antunovic


UC Berkeley


Tuesday, November 8, 2011 - 11:00am


RH 306

In this talk we will consider two competing first passage percolation processes started from uniformly chosen subsets of a random regular graph on N vertices. The processes are allowed to spread with different rates, start from vertex subsets of different sizes or at different times. We obtain tight results regarding the sizes of the vertex sets occupied by each process, showing that in the generic situation one process will occupy roughly N^alpha vertices, for some 0 < alpha < 1. The value of alpha is calculated in terms of the relative rates of the processes, as well as the sizes of the initial vertex sets and the possible time advantage of one process. These results are in sharp contrast with the picture in the lattice case.
This is a joint work with Yael Dekel, Elchanan Mossel and Yuval Peres.


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