Trace map dynamics: general results with recent applications in the theory of orthogonal polynomials and classical Ising models.


William Yessen


UC Irvine


Friday, February 3, 2012 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

Over the past almost three decades dynamical systems have played a central role in spectral analysis of quasiperiodic Hamiltonians as well as certain quasiperiodic models in statistical mechanics (most notably: the Ising model, both quantum and classical). There are many ways of introducing quasiperiodicity into a model. We shall concentrate on the widely studied Fibonacci case (which is a prototypical example of so-called substitution systems on two letters with certain desirable properties). In this case a particular geometric scheme, arising from a certain smooth three-dimensional dynamical system associated to the quasiperiodic model in question (the so-called Fibonacci trace map) has been established. Our aim is to present a general dynamical/geometric framework and to demonstrate how information about the model in question (spectral properties for Hamiltonians, and Lee-Yang zeros distribution for classical Ising models) can be obtained from the aforementioned dynamical system and the geometry of certain dynamically invariant sets. In this first in a series of two (or three) talks, we'll briefly recall how dynamical systems are associated to Schroedinger and Jacobi operators, as well as classical Ising models. We'll establish notation, ask main questions and in general prepare the ground for a somewhat more general (in terms of geometry and dynamical systems) discussion for next time.

Image Processing Techniques with Applications to Shape and Surface Reconstruction


Fred Park


UC Irvine


Monday, January 30, 2012 - 12:00pm


RH 306

In the first part of this talk, I will give a brief introduction to image
processing and discuss some of the classical models and techniques. In the
second part of the talk, I will discuss a model from my current research
that can segment or dissoclude objects in images by using additional shape
information. I will then show how this model can be easily adapted to the
application of reconstructing surfaces from unorganized data points in
space known as point clouds. Finally, some ongoing and future work will be
discussed which also includes some exciting undergraduate research

Definability in Urysohn's metric space


Dr Isaac Goldbring




Monday, February 6, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

Continuous logic is a relatively new logic better equipped for studying the model theory of structures based on complete metric spaces. There are continuous analogs of virtually every notion and theorem from classical model theory, often with equalities replaced by approximations. However, most of the work done in continuous logic has centered around sophisticated topics concerning stability and its generalizations. In this talk, I will discuss the more basic notion of definability in metric structures. More specifically, I will consider the question of which functions are definable in Urysohn's metric space. Urysohn's metric space is the unique (up to isometry) Polish space that is universal and ultrahomogeneous. In many ways, Urysohn's metric space is to continuous logic as the the infinite set is to classical logic. However, we will see that the task of understanding the definable functions in Urysohn's metric space involves some interesting topological considerations.

Integro-differential Equations for Biomedical Image Processing and Modeling


Associate Professo Chiu-Yen Kao


The Ohio State University


Monday, January 30, 2012 - 3:00pm


Natural Sciences 2 #3201

Differential and Integral Equations are powerful tools to model and analyze biological problems. In this talk, two different biological applications will be discussed: one is in biomedical images and the other is in cellular biology.

The basic medical science research and clinical diagnosis and treatment have strongly benefited from the development of various noninvasive biomedical imaging techniques and modeling, e.g. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). We introduce integro-differential models to the morphology and connectome study of human brains from brain images, as well as the shape analysis of ciliary muscles from human eyes.

In the application of cellular biology, we investigate the cell differentiation model of T cells. T cells of the immune system, upon maturation, differentiate into either Th1 or Th2 cells that have different functions. The decision to which cell type to differentiate depends on the concentrations of transcription factors T-bet and GATA-3. We study a population density model of the T cells and show that, under some conditions on the parameters of the system of integro-differential equations, various T cells differentiation scenarios occur.

On the Szego metric


Dr. Lina Lee


UC Riverside


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 - 3:00pm


RH 306

We define the Szego metric using the Szego kernel and Fefferman surface measure. This metric is invariant under biholomorphic mappings. We compare this metric with Caratheodory and Bergman metrics and also show that one can determine whether a strongly pseudoconvex is biholomorphic to a ball by studying the ratio of the Szego and Bergman metric. This is a joint work with David Barrett.

The ineffable tree property I


Spencer Unger


Carnegie Mellon University


Monday, February 13, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

In this series of two talks I will give an introduction to some of my recent research on the ineffable tree property. The ineffable tree property is a two cardinal combinatorial principle which can consistently hold at small cardinals. My recent work has been on generalizing results about the classical tree property to the setting of the ineffable tree property. The main theorem that I will work towards in these talks generalizes a theorem of Cummings and Foreman. From omega supercompact cardinals, Cummings and Foreman constructed a model where the tree property holds at all of the $\aleph_n$ with $1 < n < \omega$. I recently proved that in their model the $(\aleph_n,\lambda)$ ineffable tree property holds for all $n$ with $1 < n < \omega$ and $\lambda \geq \aleph_n$.


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