How to search for transition states/saddle points?


Qiang Du


Penn State University


Monday, October 1, 2012 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




Exploring complex energy landscape is a challenging
issue in many applications. Besides locating equilibrium
states, it is often also important to identify the
transition states given by saddle points. In this talk,
we will discuss the mathematics and algorithms, in
particular, the shrinking dimer dynamics, developed to
compute transition states. Some applications will be
considered, including the study of critical nuclei
morphology in solid state transformations, optimal
photonic crystal design and the generalized Thomson problem.

Dissipative Properties of Systems Composed of High-Loss and Lossless Components


Aaron Welters




Thursday, August 30, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



RH 306

We study dissipative properties of systems composed of two components one of which is highly lossy and the other is lossless. One of the principal result is that the dissipation causes modal dichotomy, i.e., splitting of the eigenmodes into two distinct classes according to their dissipative properties: high-loss and low-loss modes. Interestingly, larger losses in the lossy component make the entire composite less lossy, the dichotomy more pronounced, low-loss modes less lossy, and high-loss modes less accessible to external excitations. We also have carried out an exhaustive analytical study of the system quality factor. This is joint work with Alexander Figotin.

Fast randomized direct solvers for large discretized PDEs


Jianlin Xia


Purdue University


Monday, October 8, 2012 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




In this talk, I will discuss our recent developments on fast randomized
structured direct methods for large sparse discretized PDEs. The methods
use some structures in practical problems as supported by the fast
multipole method (FMM), and utilizes techniques such as advanced sparse
matrix factorization, randomized sampling, and hierarchically low-rank

We incorporate randomization into sparse direct solvers for the purposes
of both higher efficiency and better flexibility than some existing
structured solvers. We show that our direct solvers can achieve nearly
O(n) complexity for some discretized PDEs (such as Helmholtz equations)
in 2D, and O(n)~O(n^{4/3}) complexity in 3D (instead of O(n^2)
classically). The solution costs and memory requirements are about O(n)
for both 2D and 3D, which makes the methods very attractive for
preconditioning and for problems with many right-hand sides such as
seismic imaging.

The insensitivity of the solutions to parameters such as frequencies in
some problems is discussed. The stability and accuracy analysis for the
methods is given. We prove that our methods can generally be more stable
than some standard matrix computations.

We also study various important generalizations and applications, such as
O(n) cost methods for sparse selected inversion (finding diagonal or other
entries of a sparse matrix), matrix-free direct solutions, factorization
update for multiple frequencies, etc.

Symmetry breaking in quasi-1D Coulomb systems


Paul Jung




Thursday, September 27, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



RH 306

Quasi one-dimensional particle systems have domains which are infinite
in one direction and bounded in all other directions, e.g. an infinite
cylinder. We will show that for such particle systems with Coulomb
interactions and a neutralizing background, the so-called jellium,
there is translation symmetry breaking in the Gibbs measures at any
temperature. This extends a previous result on Laughlin states in
thin, two-dimensional strips by Jansen, Lieb and Seiler (2009). The
structural argument is akin to that employed by Aizenman and Martin
(1980) for a similar statement concerning symmetry breaking at all
temperatures in strictly one-dimensional Coulomb systems. The
extension is enabled through bounds which establish tightness of
finite-volume charge fluctuations. We will also discuss an
application to quantum one-dimensional jellium which extends an old
result of Brascamp and Lieb (1975).


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