Kelly Criterion in Finance and Insuring Against Underperformance


Greg Zitelli


UC Irvine


Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm



RH 340P

The growth-optimal (Kelly) criterion almost surely leads to more capital in the long run and reaches levels of capital asymptotically faster than alternative strategies, but such outperformance may not be realized with high probability for an exceptionally long time. We will first demonstrate how the Kelly criterion arises in finance without first appealing to a logarithmic utility function, and then consider strategies based on alternative utilities that emphasize the probability of exceeding an underperforming benchmark faster than Kelly.

Deformation theory of scalar-flat Kahler ALE surfaces


Jeff Viaclovsky


U Wisconsin, Madison


Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



306 Rowland

I will discuss a Kuranishi-type theorem for deformations of complex structure on ALE Kahler surfaces, which will be used to prove that for any scalar-flat Kahler ALE surface, all small deformations of complex structure also admit scalar-flat Kahler ALE metrics. A local moduli space of scalar-flat Kahler ALE metrics can then be constructed, which is universal up to small diffeomorphisms. I will also discuss a formula for the dimension of the local moduli space in the case of a scalar-flat Kahler ALE surface which deforms to a minimal resolution of an isolated quotient singularity.  This is joint work with Jiyuan Han.

Every linear order isomorphic to its cube is isomorphic to its square


Garrett Ervin




Monday, February 29, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm



RH 440R

In 1950's Sierpinski asked whether there exists a linear order X isomorphic to its lexicographicaly ordered cube but not to its square. We will give some historical context and begin the proof that the answer is negative. More generally, if X is isomorphic to any of its finite powers X^n (n>1) then X is isomorphic to all of them.

Singularity Formation of the Yang-Mills Flow


Casey Kelleher


UC Irvine


Tuesday, March 15, 2016 - 4:00pm



We explore the structure of the singularities of Yang-Mills flow in dimensions n ≥ 4. First we derive a description of the singular set in terms of concentration for a localized entropy quantity, which leads to an estimate of its Hausdorff dimension. We develop a theory of tangent measures for the flow at such singular points, which leads to a stratification of the singular set. By a refined blowup analysis we obtain Yang-Mills connections or solitons as blowup limits at any point in the singular set. This is joint work with Jeffrey Streets

Martin compactification of a Cartan-Hadamard surface and its application


Chenxu He


UC Riverside


Tuesday, April 12, 2016 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk We discuss the Martin compactification of a special complete noncompact
surface with negative Gaussian curvature which arises in our study of infinitesimal
rigidity of three-dimensional (collapsed) steady gradient Ricci solitons. In
particular, we investigate positive eigenfunctions with eigenvalue one of the
Laplace operator and prove a uniqueness result: such eigenfunctions are unique up to
a positive constant multiple if certain boundary behavior is satisfied. This
uniqueness result was used to prove an infinitesimal rigidity theorem for
deformations of certain three-dimensional collapsed gradient steady Ricci soliton
with a non-trivial Killing vector field. It is a joint work with Huai-Dong Cao.

Growth-Optimality vs Security Against Underperformance


Greg Zitelli


UC Irvine


Wednesday, February 24, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm



Rowland Hall 340P

The growth-optimal (Kelly) criterion almost surely leads to more capital in the long run and reaches levels of capital asymptotically faster than alternative strategies, but such outperformance may not be realized with high probability for an exceptionally long time. We will consider strategies based on alternative utilities that emphasize the probability of exceeding an underperforming benchmark faster than Kelly.


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