Congratulations to Heejong Lee, who earned Honorable Mention in the 2016 Putnam Competition. Congratulations also to the UCI team, which ranked 53 out of 415 participating teams.

The William Lowell Putnam competition is an annual... more

We are excited to announce the first ever UCI Diversity in Mathematics Festival! This one day conference aims:

  • To celebrate and promote diversity in mathematics, both in and out of academia, across a broad span... more

Congratulations to Richard Schoen! He has been awarded the 2017 Rolf Schock Prize in Mathematics for "groundbreaking work in differential geometry and geometric analysis including the proof of the Yamabe conjecture, the positive mass conjecture,... more

Congratulations to Tom Trogdon!  He has been awarded the 2017 Gábor Szegö Prize. The SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions (SIAG/OPSF) awards the Gábor Szegö Prize every two years to an early career researcher for... more

Congratulations to Professor Richard Schoen! He has been awarded the 2017 Heinz Hopf Prize. This prize is awarded every two years at ETH Zurich and honors outstanding scientific achievements in the field of pure mathematics. As the laureate,... more

Congratulations to Christopher Lopez who has been awarded an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships.

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Professor Alice Silverberg will be organizing and moderating a 90-minute session on Cybersecurity: Mathematics and Policy at the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2017 Annual Meeting in Boston.... more

Professor Alice Silverberg gave an AMS-MAA Invited Address at the 2017 Joint Mathematics Meetings, which is the largest mathematics meeting in the world. She spoke on how mathematics can be useful in cryptography, how cryptography can motivate... more

Professor Richard Schoen, the Excellence in Teaching Chair in the Department of Mathematics at UCI, has been awarded the 2017 Wolf Prize in Mathematics (... more
Jean Bourgain, who will start his appointment as a Distinguished Visiting Professor in our department in the Spring 2017,  has received the 2017 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics, for “multiple transformative contributions to analysis,... more
