Department of Mathematics
2014-2015 Distinguished Lecture Series

Professor Luis Caffarelli
Professor of Mathematics
University of Texas at Austin

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Congratulations to Professor Jun Allard and Professor Jeffrey Streets for being awarded CAREER grants from the National Science Foundation.

For more information, please visit the below links:

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Congratulations to Professor Zhiqin Lu for being selected as an "Eisenbud Professor" for the MSRI Spring 2016 program in Differential Geometry. The “Eisenbud Professorship” is an endowed chair position named for Professor David Eisenbud, director... more

Congratulations to Professor Qing Nie, who was elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society. Election to Fellowship in the American Physical Society is limited to no more than one half of one percent of the membership in the American... more

Professor Michael Cranston of the UC Irvine Department of Mathematics and his collaborator, Professor Francis Comets from Université Paris Diderot, were awarded the Ito Prize 2015 for their paper titled "Overlaps and pathwise localization in the... more

UCI receives NIH grant to improve options for doctoral graduates across science-related careers

Dr. David Fruman, Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry and Director of the Cellular and Molecular Biosciences Ph.D. program, was... more

The Department of Mathematics will begin the 2014-2015 Distinguished Lecture Series on November 5-6, 2014 with Professor Emmanuel Candès.

Professor Emmanuel Candès
Barnum-Simona Chair Professor in Mathematics and Statistics... more

Professor Alice Silverberg was recently awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant of almost $800,000. The grant will be used to engage mathematicians and cryptographers in developing efficient and secure methods of computing on encrypted data... more

Artur Avila, Distinguished Visitor in April 2013, and Manjul Bhargava, Colloquium speaker in February 2014, were awarded Fields Medals at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Seoul.

More information about the Fields Medal... more

Qing Nie, Professor of Mathematics and Biomedical Engineering, and Thomas Shilling, Professor of Developmental and Cell Biology, were recently award two National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants totalling $4.5 million to study birth defects... more
