This is one of the papers
referenced in §I of the M(odular) T(ower)s Time Line,
where it connects it to other papers in that progression. Two results
bigger impact than
might be evident in the
Formulation of the
M(odular) T(ower) program for dihedral groups:
- Covers over the reals and
real points on Hurwitz spaces:
I. Formulation of
M(odular) T(ower) program for
dihedral groups:
The formulation of the Main MT
conjecture for dihedral groups goes like this. Suppose, for some (odd)
prime p,
there are Q regular realizations of all the
dihedral groups {Dpk}k=0∞
with some bound r0 on their
number of branch points. Then (equivalently), the Branch-Cycle-lemma
implies there is an even integer r1
(≤ r0) and for each k,
there is a dimension (r1-2)/2
hyperelliptic Jacobian (over
Q) with a μ(pk)
point for each k (≥ 0). The corresponding
involution realizations are regular extensions of Q(z) with group
and r1 branch points, each
with the involution conjugacy class of Dpk
corresponding to an inertia generator.
§5.1–§5.2 consider the Involution
Realization Conjecture, which says the last statement is
impossible: There
should be
a uniform bound as n
varies on μ(n) torsion points on
Jacobians of a fixed dimension, over any given number field.
(The only
proven case, r1=4, is the
Mazur-Merel result
bounding torsion on elliptic curves.) If a subrepresentation of the
cyclotomic character occurred on the p-Tate module
of a hyperelliptic Jacobian (see [Se68]),
the Involution Realization Conjecture would be blatantly false: One
hyperelliptic Jacobian would produce a projective system of regular
involution realizations of dihedral groups.
Result from it: Formulation of the general Main MT
conjecture [FrKop97].
There is a still-missing result: Find μ(n) torsion
points on any
hyperelliptic Jacobian for all – even infinitely many – odd n s.
The discussion at [CaTa09]
compares the two methods that have been developed to prove the Main
Conjecture for general MTs.
That notes Cadoret-Tamagawa base their formulation on
considering 1-dimensional characters that do not appear from complex multiplication
as in [Sh64].
The usual
conditions for forming a MT: p is any prime
and you have the Nielsen class
defined by r
conjugacy classes C=C1,…,Cr, all p' (elements of
order prime to p)
in a finite p-perfect
group G.
By considering the (1-dimensional) family of abelian varieties attached
to a reduced Hurwitz space when r=4, Cadoret-Tamagawa
conclude the Main Conjecture – no rational points at high tower levels
– for any MT defined by the usual conditions
when r=4.
The discussion compares this result with the more explicit – but at the
moment less general – method of [Fr09b].
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II. Covers over the
reals and
real points on Hurwitz spaces:
Serre developed a formula for 3 branch point covers, basically a
special case of the
Branch-Cycle-lemma over the reals. It showed that, excluding
a small set of obvious groups,
you could not
regularly realize groups over the reals with just three branch points,
all of them real.
Given r
points on the Riemann sphere, defined as a set over the reals,
its configuration
type indicates how many real points,
how many complex conjugate pairs, of points there are.
The paper [DeFr90]
decides, for any Nielsen class Ni(G,C), what are the
possible configuration types so that it is possible to
find a real point on the corresponding Hurwitz space
(absolute or inner) whose associated cover has branch points of that configuration
For achieving results there are several considerations.
Thm. 1.1a gives an example result of a general type. When does a finite
group G have a regular realization
over the the reals with all branch points real.
Answer: If and only if involutions
(elements of order 2) generate G.
contrast to Serre's result, the paper notes
this gives Sn
covers for r=4
where the configuration type is four real points. To test the
method, §4 considers realizing covers of the same
configuration type over Q.
This example tests for deciding if the reduced Hurwitz space has genus
0, and it does that by explicitly computing the genus of the reduced
Hurwitz spaces for all the examples. Thm. 4.11 shows the
cases n=5
and 7 pass this test. We do not know if you can modify our
choice of Nielsen class to give other examples of such realizing covers
over Q with
Other results use the reals to show the tools used
in the R(egular)
I(nverse) G(alois) P(roblem) cover much more
territory than realization of groups as Galois groups.
- Thm.
1.1b: Gives the precise condition for when G is the monodromy
group of a degree n cover (not Galois) over the reals with all branch points real.
- Cor. 1.2:
Any nontrivial finite group G
has a Frattini
cover H → G for which
there is
no regular realization of H with only real branch
- Comment
(***) §3.5: Gives the precise condition
between the Hurwitz space having a real point, and that point
actually corresponding to a cover over the reals.
- §5.3:
Each finite group G
has regular realizations over the totally
real (all conjugates are real) numbers.
We comment further on results #1-#3.
Extending #1:
The cases here consider degree n
(not Galois) covers in a given Nielsen class which pass a formula
criterion that describes all such covers defined over the reals. Then,
the formula differentiates among those covers which have their Galois closure cover defined over the reals versus the
complexes. The case of also assuring real branch points has an especially simple formula.
#2: This was the forerunner of a complete characterization
of all the
real points on any Modular Tower [BFr02, §6]. That also showed how to apply it to the main example MTs of the
paper. The remainder of this essay lists precise results for
that example: the MT for
with four repetitions, C34,
of the conjugacy class of 3-cycles, and the prime p=2.
As M(odular)
T(ower)s Time Line, §II discusses, there is a full MT, and also an
abelianized MT
attached to this data. They differ in whether we use the full
exponent 2k
Frattini extension Gk
of A5,
or the abelianization Gk,ab,
given by abelianizing the extension's kernel.
Our example statements apply to either, because in all the cases, the only real points fall on H-M components. That is, their corresponding braid orbits
contain Harbater-Mumford representatives: 4-tuples in the Nielsen class
of form (g1,g1-1,g2,g2-1).
So, we state results using the notation Gk.
Still, I can easily tell you inductively more about Gk,ab. Use the natural Frattini covering map Gk+1,ab
→ Gk,ab:
the kernel is the A5
module of order 25 given by A5
acting on its 5-Sylows modulo the submodule generated by summing the
5-Sylows [Fr95, Prop. 2.4].
The kth
level is the inner Hurwitz space defined by the Nielsen class Ni(Gk,C34). On each H-M component
there are
two types of real points: Those given by H(arbater)-M(umford)
representatives and those by near
H-M representatives [BFr02, Prop. 6.8]. As MTs
generalize modular curves, this example generalizes characterizing
real points on modular curves.
This example has a natural language using the
arithmetic behavior of cusps. Any projective system of Harbater-Mumford
representatives defines a real
branch of the cusp
tree on a MT
in the language of [Fr06, §3.1.1]. By contrast, in our example, a
near H-M representative at level k
gives real points, but above them (at level k+1) there are no
real points.
#3: Four different types of Hurwitz spaces see regular
duty: Absolute, inner and their reduced versions (modding out by the
action of linear fractional transformations on the base cover P1z). For
each there is a practical criterion for when the spaces have fine moduli. One major point of having fine moduli is to assure that if you have
a K point
on such a space, then you get a realizing cover of P1z
defined over K.
inner and absolute criteria, for example, are often sufficiently
effective to test all levels of a MT. For example, assuming the usual
conditions for forming a MT, the inner Hurwitz spaces at all
levels have fine moduli if and only if G is
centerless [FrV91, Part of Main Thm.]. The results of this
paper therefore combine to give the following example.
Consider the MT
for A5,
with four repetitions of C34
of the conjugacy class of 3-cycles, with the prime p=2.
Then, consider each of the characteric 2-Frattini covering groups Gk
→ A5.
Each Gk (or Gk,ab) has a Frattini cover Rk → Gk,ab that is a central
2-Frattini extension: meaning it has a center [BFr02, Prop. 3.21, for this case, Ex. 3.20]. In our running example, the kernel is Z/2, arising from what [Fr02, Def. 4.5] calls an antecedent
Schur multiplier to the Spin5 → A5 cover (as in the
discussion connecting [Se90a] and [Fr09a]). So, each
of the inner
Hurwitz spaces defined by Ni(Gk,C34)
has fine moduli (as stated in [BFr02, Thm. 3.16]).
[BFr02, Prop. 6.8]
shows each of the inner Hurwitz spaces attached to the Nielsen
class Ni(Rk,C34)
has real points p1,k
and p2,k, k≥ 1, with the following properties. They both lie on a Harbater-Mumford component: Level k=1 has exactly two components, both defined over Q [BFr02,
§9.1], with just one of them an H-M component.
Physically, the Hurwitz space components for Ni(Rk,C34) identify with a subset of the components for
and Ni(Gk,C34). Indeed, they are exactly the components corresponding to braid orbits of Ni(Gk,C34) for which the lift invariant of elements from Gk to Rk is +1. Any H-M component passes this lift invariant test, and so there are nonempty components corresponding to Rk.
Although the components are exactly the same, the points regarded on each give respective Galois covers with group Rk and Gk. For the group Rk, the cover corresponding to p1,k has definition field the reals, while the cover corresponding to p2,k does not. That is, there are points exhibiting the conclusion of
fine moduli, and points denying it, on the Hurwitz space corresponding to Ni(Rk,C34).
Regarded as giving Gk covers, the cover corresponding to p1,k is defined by an H-M rep., while the cover corresponding to p2,k is defined by a near H-M. So, one group gives an infinite
number of examples illustrating the distinction between having fine moduli and not having it.
While the reduced version criterion is more difficult to check,
Prop. 4.7] has general results. These apply to our running example in [BFr02, Lem. 7.5] to say that for level 0, the Hurwitz space does not have reduced fine moduli, but are all levels above 0, the MT does have reduced fine moduli.
These and the p-adic
version of the real results are important topics to the subject,
especially compatible with the results of [DeEm05].
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Mike Fried, Sunday Mar 15, 2009