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Trevor M. Wilson
Papers, preprints, etc.
(with Paul Larson and Grigor Sargsyan)
A model of the Axiom of Determinacy in which every set of reals is universally Baire.
In preparation.
(Draft PDF)
The envelope of a pointclass under a local determinacy hypothesis.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 166 (10), pp. 991–1018, 2015.
(DOI link)
Universally Baire sets and generic absoluteness.
Submitted for publication.
Scales on Π21 sets.
Mathematical Research Letters, 22 (1), pp. 301–316, 2015.
(DOI link)
Contributions to descriptive inner model theory.
PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 2012.
(PQDT Open)
A continuous movement version of the Banach–Tarski paradox: A solution to de Groot's problem.
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 70 (3), pp. 946–952, 2005.
(DOI link)
Slides from recent talks
- "Determinacy from strong compactness of ω1." Conference on
inner model theory, the core model induction, and hod mice, WWU Münster, July 2015
- "Covering properties of derived models." Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory, SFSU, June 2015
- "Covering properties of derived models." ASL North American Annual Meeting, UIUC, Mar. 2015
- "A model of set theory in which every set of reals is universally Baire." ASL Winter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 2015
- "Determinacy models and good scales at singular cardinals." Logic in Southern California meeting, UCLA, Nov. 2014
- "Optimal generic absoluteness results from strong cardinals." Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar, Miami University, Apr. 2014
- "Trees and generic absoluteness." Logic in Southern California meeting, UCLA, Nov. 2013
- "Trees, maximality principles, and generic absoluteness." Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar, Rutgers University, Oct. 2013
- "Absolutely complementing trees and generic absoluteness." AMS Fall southeastern sectional meeting,
University of Louisville, Oct. 2013
- "A dichotomy for (Σ21)Hom∞ sets of reals, with applications to generic absoluteness."
Young Set Theory Workshop, Oropa, Italy, June 2013
- "A determinacy transfer principle." UCLA logic colloquium, Mar. 2013
- "Scales on Π21 sets." Logic in Southern California meeting, UC Irvine, Feb. 2013
- "Well-behaved measures and weak covering for derived models." Toronto set theory seminar, Dec. 2012
Courses taught at UC Irvine
- Math 120B: Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Rings and Fields,) Spring 2015
- Math 120A: Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Group Theory,) Winter 2015
- Math 120A: Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Group Theory,) Fall 2014
- Math 161: Modern Geometry, Spring 2014
- Math 13: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics, Winter 2014
- Math 281A: Set Theory, Fall 2013
- Math 2J: Infinite Series and Basic Linear Algebra, Spring 2013
- Math 151: Set Theory, Winter 2013