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Matrix factorization

Let L be a lower-triangular matrix (n×n) and U be an upper-triangular matrix (also n×n).

We've discussed how to solve Ux=y with backward substitution:


We also discussed how to solve Ly=b with forward substitution:


Using an LU factorization

Assume that we can express A=LU and we want to solve Ax=b:

  1. Solve for y=Ux which is given by Ly=b by forward substitution.
  2. Solve Ux=y for x, because U and y are now known by backward substitution.

Operation count

Recall from Lecture 9 that backward substitution requires

n2+3n2multiplications, andn2+n2additions.

The same is true of forward substitution.

To solve Ax=b when a factorization A=LU is known requires

n2+3nmultiplications, andn2+nadditions.

This should be compared with Gaussian elimination with backward substitution (or worse, matrix inversion) that requires n3/3 operations.

Even if you could compute A1 for free, computing x=A1b requires (again, see Lecture 9) n2 multiplications and n2n additions. This is nearly the same number of operations as the LU method.

Having an LU factorization of a matrix is just as good (if not better) as having the inverse matrix

The LU factorization algorithm

Assume A is an n×n matrix that can be put in upper-triangular form without row swaps (we'll deal with those next lecture).

Consider the 3×3 case first


Here a(1)22=a22a12a21a11 and a(1)23=a23a13a21a11. The question that will lead us to an LU factorization is: What type of matrix does this row operation correspond to?


Recall that the goal is to express A=LU, so we find the inverse of the lower-triangular matrix on the left-hand side:


So, after a single step, we have found


This is closer to a lower/upper factorization.

If we perform the row operation R3a31a11R1R3 which corresponds to


where a(1)32=a32a12a31a11 and a(1)33=a33a13a31a11

The inverse of the lower-triangular factor can be confirmed


We use this with our expression from the first step


This brings us very close to an LU factorization

For the last step, we need to perform R3a(1)32a(1)22R2R3


where a(2)33=a(1)33a(1)23a(1)32a(1)22.

Again, you can check that the inverse of the matrix on the left is simple


Inserting this into the existing factorization: [a11a12a13a21a22a23a31a32a33]=[100a21/a1110a31/a1101][a11a12a130a(1)22a(1)230a(1)32a(1)33]


This inner factors simplify and we have an LU factorization



Compute the LU factorization of

In [ ]:
The LU algorithm (no row interchanges)

INPUT a n x n matrix A

OUTPUT the LU factorization of A, or a message of failure

STEP 1: Set L to be the n x n identity matrix;
STEP 2: For j = 1, 2, ...,n do STEPS 3-4
  STEP 3: If A(j,j) = 0
            OUTPUT('LU Factorization failed')
  STEP 4: For i = j+1, j+2, ... , n do STEPS 5-6
    STEP 5: Set L(i,j) = A(i,j)/A(j,j);
    STEP 6: Perform row operation Ri - L(i,j)*Rj --> Ri on A;
In [ ]:
function [L,A] = LU(A)
   % this function will give two output matrices
In [3]:
A = rand(4)
[L,U] = LU(A);
A =

    0.7922    0.8491    0.7431    0.7060
    0.9595    0.9340    0.3922    0.0318
    0.6557    0.6787    0.6555    0.2769
    0.0357    0.7577    0.1712    0.0462

L =

    1.0000         0         0         0
    1.2112    1.0000         0         0
    0.8277    0.2554    1.0000         0
    0.0451   -7.6181  -21.9384    1.0000

U =

    0.7922    0.8491    0.7431    0.7060
   -0.0000   -0.0944   -0.5078   -0.8233
    0.0000         0    0.1701   -0.0972
   -0.0000         0         0   -8.3903

ans =

In [ ]: