Computer Assignment 8 (project)
Due Thursday, Dec 1 at 11:59pm
This final computer assignment should be completed ON YOUR OWN. You may discuss the problems with your classmates but the final version must be your own work. We will not hesitate to give zero points for an assignment if it is not your own work.
The assignment MUST be published as ONE .pdf file. The m-files you use should be put in a .zip archive. Your final submission should then consist of one .pdf file and one .zip file. This is worth 50% of your lab grade. Even if you use the m-files that are provided as solutions in the class, they should be turned in. You must also describe where you got the code you use. Stock MATLABĀ® implementations of the main algorithms in the course can ONLY be used to check your results.
Problem 1: The inverse power method
Assume the eigenvalues of an matrix
The inverse power method is used to compute , the smallest eigenvalue of
Write a function
that performs the following:
1. Compute a factorization of
using partial pivoting.
2. Let be a randomly generated unit vector.
3. For do 4-6
4. Define by
. Solve for
using the
factorization in the following way:
Set .
Solve with forward substitution.
Solve with backward substitution.
5. Set .
6. Set .
6. If then return
7. If return an appropriate error message.
Apply this method to the matrix
A = [-2 1 0 0 0; 1 -2 1 0 0; 0 1 -2 1 0; 0 0 1 -2 1; 0 0 0 1 -2];
How many iterations do you need when ?
Problem 2: Relaxation for fixed-point iteration
Consider finding the fixed-point of the function
Consider using the relaxation iteration
If is the fixed point, we'd like to choose
so that
so that we get quadratic convergence, but of course,
is not known. The relaxation parameter
does not need to be the same at each iteration. At each iteration, to compute
, find
by setting
Implement this method to compute the fixed point of . Show either numerically or analytically that this method converges quadratically.
Problem 3: The modified Gram-Schmidt process
Implement the modified Gram-Schmidt process to compute a QR factorization of an invertible matrix
. Call your function
Demonstrate clearly that your method works on the matrix
A = [-2 1 0 0 0; 1 -2 1 0 0; 0 1 -2 1 0; 0 0 1 -2 1; 0 0 0 1 -2];