High-Dimensional Probability for Data Science

KNU, Fall 2023



Prof. Roman Vershynin, University of California, Irvine, USA

Email: rvershyn "at" uci "dot" edu



Dr. Oksana Chernova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Email: oksanachernova "at" knu "dot" ua

When & Where

Lectures (Vershynin): Mondays, Wednesdays 18:00-19:15 Kyiv time, by Zoom. The permanent Zoom link has been sent to your email. The link can also be found in the first announcement in Google classroom.

Consultation/Practice (Chernova): TBA, by Google Meet. The link has been sent to your email, and can also be found in the first announcement in Google classroom.

Description and Prerequisites

Description: Welcome to the course in high dimensional probability. It builds builds probabilistic foundations for theoretical research in modern data science. You will learn some methods that form an essential toolbox for anyone looking to do mathematical work in machine learning, theoretical computer science, theoretical statistics, signal processing, etc. This course are loosely based on my book, the draft of which you can download for free.

Prerequisites: One semester of probability theory, and a course in linear algebra.


The grade will be determined by the homework. One homework set will be assigned every week. It is due each Sunday by 23:59, submitted to Google classroom. You can write the solutions in English or Ukrainian. Late homework will not be accepted.

Schedule and Homework

Lecture notes will be posted early morning before each class. Recorded lectures will posted shortly after each class. Homework will be posted one week before the due date.