MWF 12:10 - 01:00 pm, Wellman 127
Course: MAT-202-1
Title: Functional Analysis
Quarter: Winter 2004
CRN: 52511
Roman Vershynin
Location: Wellman 127
Times: MWF 12:10 - 01:00 pm
Office hours: 671 Kerr Hall,
13:20 - 14:20 or by appointment
This is a basic course in functional analysis, which is aimed at the
graduate students in all areas of Mathematics. The course will cover in
- Linear spaces (Zorn Lemma, Hamel bases, linear operators, quotient
spaces, hyperplanes)
- Normed and Banach spaces (norm and the unit ball, isometries,
subspaces, quotients)
- Bounded linear operators (continuity, norm, extensions)
- Duality (Hahn-Banach theorem and its consequences, adjoint operators,
subspaces versus quotients)
- Three fundamental principles (open mapping theorem, closed graph
theorem, principle of uniform boundedness).
- Various consequences (such as Schauder bases, more on Fourier series,
(un-)complemented subspaces)
- Compactness (in concrete spaces; compact operators, spectrum,
Fredholm theory as time permits)
- Krein-Milman theorem, Banach-Alaoglu theorem (as time permits)
TEXTS (Optional):
1. John Conway, A course in Functional Analysis, Second edition,
Springer-Verlag, 1990 (comprehensive, covers most of this
course, although proofs and notation will be altered)
2. Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, Second edition, McGraw-Hill,
Inc., New York, 1991 (a classical text, profound, abstract,
comprehensive, difficult)
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Homework 40%
assigment - see below)
Final 60%
Homeworks will be given out by-weekly on Fridays and will be due two
weeks later at the start of the Friday class.
The final will be a take home exam, it will be due exactly one week
after it is given out.
You can cooperate on the homeworks. No cooperation is allowed on
the final.
Homework 1: due 01/30/2004
Homework 2: due 02/13/2004
Homework 3: due 02/27/2004
Homework 4: due 03/12/2004
Final Exam: due 03/23/2004