I am Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Irvine and an Associate Director of the Center for Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization. My research spans high-dimensional probability and mathematical data science. Here you can learn more about my research.
Book My textbook "High dimensional probability. An introduction with applications in Data Science" can be purchased on Amazon. You can download a draft of the book for free. The second edition is coming in Summer 2025 -- with new exercises and more! Want to be notified when it's out? Email me: rvershyn@uci.edu
Papers All my publications can be found here.
Undergraduate probability My video course in undergraduate probability is free for all.
High-dimensional probability My video course in high-dimensional probability and applications in data science is free for all.
Editorial Mathematical Statistics and Learning (Editor), Annals of Applied Probability (AE), Annals of Statistics (AE), Bernoulli (AE).
Organizing Workshop on Random Matrices and Applications at ICERM in Providence, RI, May 2024; Annual Graduate School on Mathematical Aspects of Data Science in Darwin, Australia, June 2024; Probability, Geometry and Machine Learning in Lviv, Ukraine, July 2024; Mathematical Aspects of Learning Theory in Barcelona, Spain, September 2024; Foundations of Data Science and Machine Learning Workshop at FoCM'26 in Vienna, July 2026.
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