Round Table Discussion
Future  research  directions  and  how  to  facilitate  and  foster  interdisciplinary  research
4:20pm-6:00pm, May 26, 2006
                      Daljit Ahluwalia (Dean, Computing Sciences, NJIT)
                      Jerry Bona (Chair, Math, U. of Illinois at Chicago)
                      Tony Chan (Dean, Science, UCLA)
                      Ellis Cumberbatch (Chair, Math, Clarment U.)
                      Arthur Lander (Chair, Developmental Biology, UCI)
                      Robert Miura (Chair, Applied Math, NJIT)
                      Ka-Kit Tung (Chair, Applied Math, U. of Washington)

                      John Lowengrub (Chair, Math, UCI)
All graduate students and postdocs are required to participate.
All other speakers and participants are welcome to participate.