Math 3A (44470) - Fall 2016
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Neil Donaldson
RH 472
Office Hours
MW 10:00 and 12:00
Lecture Times
MWF 13:00 RH 114
Discussion Sections
Sec 60
(44471) TuTh 13:00 RH 114
Teaching Assistant
Thu Dinh
RH 420/TBA
Systems of linear equations, matrix operations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
vector spaces, subspaces and dimension, orthogonality.
Course Text
Linear Algebra and its Applications,
5th ed., David C. Lay, et al, Pearson 2016
For a more detailed syllabus including assessments click
The final grade for the course will tentatively be computed as follows:
45% final, 25% midterm, 25% Quizzes, 5% Homework
Homework Questions
will be set each week. A small number of these will collected the following week, of which an even smaller number will be graded.
One homework will be dropped. Solutions to the homework questions will be placed in a eee drop-box after the submission deadline.
Six Quizzes will be given in discussion class, and assume knowledge of the homework material for that day. One quiz will be dropped.
There will be one midterm during normal class time on
Monday 24th October
The final exam is in the usual classroom at
Wednesday 7th December at 13:30
The exam will be comprehensive.
Add/Drop & Enrollment Questions
In Mathematics classes, decisions pertaining to wait-lists, adds, drops, and pass/no-pass changes are
NOT made by Instructors. Refer
for information on how to navigate the system. Essentially you have till the end of week 2 to complete
all adds, drops and grade changes, all of which is done online.
Class Policies + Grading
- The final exams will be available for you to consult, but not take away, in the Winter quarter.
- No calculators in the quizzes and exams - make sure you can do the homework questions without them!
- Make sure you have a legible ID card for the exams. If your UCI ID has a smudged picture, bring your driver's license.
Your exams will not be graded without proof of who you are.
- Late homework will not be accepted for credit although we will be happy to discuss its mathematical quality with you.
- The purpose of dropped quizzes and homework is to allow you a day off, for whatever reason, be it fun or serious.
In order to have a second quiz or homework dropped, you must provide documentation to the TA covering AT LEAST TWO assessments.
If you choose to sleep in and miss one assessment early in the term before getting sick later on, you will have wasted
your lifeline.
- There will be no opportunity for extra credit. Generally speaking, any request to be treated differently to other
students will be granted only in the case of a documented emergency.
- No curving of scores will be done. As a guide to how you are doing, you will receive a letter-grade equivalent with
your midterm score. The overall letter-grade scale will be determined at the end of term in line with the following metrics:
- A grade of C/C- means you are considered ready to take any class that has this one as a pre-requisite.
- An A grade means two things:
- You know the definitions and theorems well enough to be able to apply them in unfamiliar situations.
- You should be able to teach the core course material. An A grade is the primary qualification for being a LARC tutor for 2A/B/D...
Academic Honesty
Both the Math department and UCI take a dim view of dishonest behavior with regards to assessments:
submitting another's work as your own, copying during exams, bringing notes to exams, etc. Harsh penalties are in
place for students who are caught; depending on the seriousness you may be given an F for the assessment, for
the class as a whole, or even suspended from the University.