Math 2B (44440) - Winter 2017
Integral Calculus
Neil Donaldson
RH 472
Office Hours
MW 12--14:00
Lecture Times
MWF 11:00 SSL 228
Homework/Notes/Resources page
Discussion Sections
Sec 80
(44445) TuTh 08:00 HIB 110
Sec 81
(44450) TuTh 17:00 HICF 100L
Teaching Assistant
Zach Drumbor
TAs do not typically have office hours for 2B. Instead, the Tutoring Center
is staffed most of the week by TAs, all of whom can answer any questions you have about calculus. Use them!
Integration techniques, the fundamental theorem of calculus, applications of integration (finding areas, volumes and arc length), infinite sequences and series.
Course Text
James Stewart's Calculus: Early Transcendentals 8th or UCI-custom edition
You are NOT required to buy the book as homework questions will not be collected,
however the text will be followed closely so it will be very useful to have a copy.
For a more detailed syllabus including assessments click
- Suggested Homework Questions for each section can be found
These will not be collected, but you should do them all. Before the final exam, you should be able to do all of the questions
without books, notes, calculators or any other assistance. If so, then an A+ will be yours without trouble.
Quizzes: Six short quizzes will be given in discussion class: see the syllabus for exact dates.
Due to the number of students, no make-ups will be given. One quiz will be dropped.
- WebWork: WebWork will be due most Fridays from week 3 onwards. Instructions on how to access WebWork can be found
WebWork will not be accessible until week two. Several points will be dropped to allow for a few
rounding/entering errors.
- There will two midterms during normal class time on
Wednesday February 1st
Wednesday February 22nd
- The final grade for the course will be computed as follows: 40% Final, 20% each Midterm, 10% Quizzes, 10% Webwork
Your overall letter grade will be computed according to a curve determined by the departmental calculus coordinator
using the results of the final exam across all sections of 2B this term. If our class does very well there will be more A's.
If it does badly...
- Expectations: if you don't want to be surprised by your final grade, test yourself against the following
metrics as you move through the course:
- A grade of C/C- means you are considered ready to take any class that has this one as a pre-requisite.
- An A grade means two things:
- You know the definitions and theorems well enough to be able to apply them in unfamiliar situations.
- You should be able to teach the core course material. This means being able to explain what the
concepts mean, not simply being able to perform computations.
An A grade is the primary qualification for being a LARC tutor for 2A/B/D...
Class Policies and the Common Final
- For consistency, all 2B students in every section take the same final exam at the same time:
Saturday March 18th at 13:30
HIB 100
- The final exams are graded communally, with each instructor/TA grading one or two questions from all papers over
all the sections of 2B this term. The final exams are curved uniformly: you will only see the post-curve score on eee.
- Once grades appear on eee there will be no further curving. Requests to have your grade bumped up will be ignored
as this would be unfair to other students. If there are mistakes in the recording of quizzes or midterms, you have until
the final exam to get these corrected.
- The final exams will be available for you to consult, but not take away, in the Spring quarter.
- The exam will be comprehensive.
- In accordance with the common final exam regulations, no calculators or notes will be permitted in any
assessments. You must also present a valid photo ID (UCI ID card or driving license is best).
- Plan in advance! All information regarding make-up requests and other details can be found on the
UCI Calculus Page.
In particular, note that if you wish to request a make-up exam for any reason, then you are required to do so by
Friday February 24th (week 7).
- On the same website, you'll also find links to videos on the class and background material
- especially useful if you need to catch-up on high-school level math or need a refresher on Differential Calculus.
- The purpose of dropped quizzes is to allow you a day off, for whatever reason, be it fun or serious.
In order to have a second quiz or homework dropped, you must provide documentation to the TA covering AT LEAST TWO assessments.
If you choose to sleep in and miss one assessment early in the term before getting sick later on, you will have wasted
your lifeline.
- There will be no opportunity for extra credit. Generally speaking, any request to be treated differently to other
students will be granted only in the case of a documented emergency.
Add/Drop & Enrollment Questions
In Mathematics classes, decisions pertaining to wait-lists, adds, drops, and pass/no-pass changes are
NOT made by Instructors. Refer
for information on how to navigate the system. Essentially you have till the end of week 2 to complete
all adds, drops and grade changes, all of which is done online.
Academic Honesty
Both the Math department and UCI take a dim view of dishonest behavior with regards to assessments:
submitting another's work as your own, copying during exams, bringing notes to exams, etc. Harsh penalties are in
place for students who are caught; depending on the seriousness you may be given an F for the assessment, for
the class as a whole, or even suspended from the University.