Math 130B (45084) - Winter 2016
Probability and Stochastics II
Dr. Neil Donaldson
RH472 (Rowland Hall)
Office Hours
MW 12-2 (or whenever you can find me)
Lecture Times
MWF 4-4.50pm ICF103
Homework/Notes/Resources page
Discussion Session
Sec B20
(44085) TuTh 6-6.50pm ET202
Teaching Assistant
Cheng Zhang
RH 410W
Office Hours
TuTh 4-6pm
The course continues where 130A left off: a little more on continuous distributions
Course Text
A First Course in Probability, by Sheldon Ross, 9th ed. You should already have this
from taking 130A.
For a rough syllabus, click
This will be updated as we move through term with dates of quizzes/homework/exams and
sections covered each day.
The final grade for the course will be tentatively be computed as follows:
50% Final Exam, 25% Midterm, 15% Quizzes, 10% Homework
- Homework Questions
will be set most weeks, a small number of which will be collected the following week.
One homework will be dropped.
- Quizzes will be given most non-exam weeks in the discussion classes. They will
assume knowledge up to and including the previous day's lecture. One quiz will be dropped.
- Midterm: during normal class time on Friday 5th February (tentative)
- Final exam: is in the usual classroom Wednesday 16th March 4-6pm.
The exam will be comprehensive.
Add/Drop & Enrollment Questions
In Mathematics classes, decisions pertaining to wait-lists, adds, drops, and pass/no-pass changes are
NOT made by the Professors, and Professors have NO ability to change these policies. Refer to these
links for information for how to navigate the system:
Grading FAQ
- The purpose of dropped quizzes and homework is to allow you a day off, for whatever reason,
be it fun or serious. For this reason, make-ups or extra drops will only be granted in the case
of serious illness or emergency necessitating your complete absence from class for an extended period.
- There will be no opportunity for extra credit.
- Any request to be treated differently to other students, except in the case of an emergency or
other well-documented reason, will be denied. This includes make-up quizzes/exams or any request to have
your final grade changed based on anything other than the incorrect recording of scores.
- No curving will be done, instead you will receive a letter-grade equivalent with your midterm score
to give you an indication of how you are doing. The overall letter-grade scale, incorporating homework
and quizzes will be determined at the end of term after the final exam is graded.
- The final exams will be available for you to consult, but not take away, next quarter.
Class policies
- No calculators or notes in the tests - make sure you can do the homework questions without them!
- Make sure you have a legible ID card for the tests. If your UCI ID has a smudged picture,
bring your driver's license. Your tests will not be graded without proof of who you are.
- Academic Honesty: Both the Math department and UCI take a dim view of dishonest behavior with regards
to assessments: e.g. submitting another's work as your own, copying during exams, bringing notes to exams,
etc. Harsh penalties are in place for students who are caught: depending on the severity of the offense
you may be given an F for the assessment, for the class as a whole, or even suspended from the University.
Think before you try anything, for the result of getting caught is always worse than the grade you'd get
by acting honestly.