Math 13 - Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (Fall '24)
Course Notes (pdf) (html)
- All homework exercises (see Canvas) refer to these notes only. Solutions to all exercises will eventually appear in Canvas.
- Please report typos or anything that's unclear so the notes can be improved.
- The notes may change slightly through the term, though edits are likely to be minor. Refresh/reload the page to make sure you have the latest version. If a homework question needs to be renumbered, this will be notified in the relevant Canvas assignment.
- The html version is experimentally converted from the pdf. If something looks wacky, compare with the pdf and report it.
The source code is available to muck with if you're a LaTeX veteran. If you want to learn how to typeset mathematics, you can find a short guide here.
The full syllabus, solutions, class policies, assessment dates and gradebook are within Canvas for enrolled students only.