2. Find a singular value decomposition of each of the matrices:
1 1
1 1
−1 −1
1 0 1
1 0 −1
1 1 1
1 −1 0
1 0 −1
3. Find an explicit formula for T
for each map in Exercise 1.
4. Find the pseudoinverse of each of the matrix in Exercise 2.
5. Suppose A = PΣQ
is a singular value decomposition.
(a) Describe a singular value decomposition of A
(b) Explain why A
= QΣ
isn’t a singular value decomposition of A
; what would be the
correct decomposition? (Hint: what is wrong with Σ
6. Suppose T : V → W is written according to the singular value theorem. Prove that γ is a basis
of eigenvectors of TT
with the same non-zero eigenvalues as T
T, including repetitions.
7. (a) Suppose T = L(V) is normal. Prove that each v
in the singular value theorem may be
chosen to be an eigenvector of T and that σ
is the modulus of the corresponding eigenvalue.
(b) Let A =
0 1
1 0
. Show that any orthonormal basis β of R
satisfies the singular value theo-
rem. What is γ here? What is it about the eigenvalues of A that make this possible?
(Even when T is self-adjoint, the vectors in β need not also be eigenvectors of T!)
8. In the proof of the singular value theorem we claimed that rank T
T = rank T. Verify this by
checking explicitly that N(T
T) = N( T) .
(This is circular logic if you use the decomposition, so you must do without!)
9. Let V, W be finite-dimensional inner product spaces and T ∈ L( V, W). Prove:
(a) T
= T
= T
(Hint: evaluate on the basis γ = {w
, . . . , w
} in the singular value theorem)
(b) If T is injective, then T
T is invertible and T
= (T
(c) If T is surjective, then TT
is invertible and T
= T
10. Consider the equation T(x) = b, where T is a linear map between finite-dimensional inner
product spaces. A least-squares solution is a vector x which minimizes
T(x) −b
(a) Prove that x
= T
( b) is a least-squares solution and that any other has the form x
+ n
for some n ∈ N(T).
(Hint: Theorem 2.61 says that x
is a least-squares solution if and only if T(x
) = π
( b))
(b) Prove that x
= T
( b) has smaller norm than any other least-squares solution.
(c) If T is injective, prove that x
= T
( b) is the unique least-squares solution.
11. Find the minimal norm solution to the first system, and the least-squares solution to the second:
3x + 2y + z = 9
x −2y + 3z = 3
3x + y = 1
2x −2y = 0
x + 3y = 0