Neil Donaldson
Office 472 Rowland Hall
Office hours MW 10--11, 1--2 (Winter '24)
Mail Department of Mathematics
Mail Rowland Hall
Mail University of California, Irvine
Mail CA 92697
Short Bio
I grew up in St. Andrews, Scotland, before attending Edinburgh and Bath Universities. In 2006, I moved to California for a postdoc, eventually becoming a lecturer at UCI. I live in Long Beach with my family.
Education and Employment
2012--present: Full-time/Continuing Lecturer at UCI
2011--14: Adjunct Faculty at Chapman University
2010--11: Part-time/Summer-session Lecturer at UCI
2010: Adjunct Faculty at the Southern California Institute of Technology
2006--09: Visiting Assistant Professor at UCI, working with Chuu-Lian Terng on integrable systems
2002--06: Ph.D. in Mathematics (Differential Geometry), University of Bath, England, supervised by Fran Burstall
1998--2002: B.Sc.(Hons) in Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Teaching Materials/Websites
Anyone is welcome to use the resources on these sites for any purpose except financial gain.
- Winter 2025
- Math 2D Multivariable Calculus
- Math 140A Analysis I
- Math 140B Analysis II
- Lingering websites in their most recent incarnations.
- Math 2A Differential Calculus (Fall '15)
- Math 2B Integral Calculus (Winter '17)
- Math 2E Vector Calculus (Summer '15)
- Math 2J Linear Algebra and Infinite Series (Fall '10 --- course defunct)
- Math 3A Linear Algebra (Fall '16)
- Math 3D Differential Equations (Winter '21)
- Math 4 Mathematics for Economists (Summer '11 --- course defunct)
- Math 8 Functions and Modeling (Spring '24)
- Math 13 Intro to Abstract Mathematics (Fall '24)
- Math 120A Group Theory (Fall '24)
- Math 120B Rings and Fields (Fall '18)
- Math 121A Linear Algebra I (Winter '22)
- Math 121B Linear Algebra II (Fall '22)
- Math 130A Probability I (Spring '22)
- Math 130B Probability II (Winter '16)
- Math 147 Complex Analysis (Fall '24)
- Math 161 Modern Geometry (Spring '24)
- Math 162A Differential Geometry I (Winter '24)
- Math 162B Differential Geometry II (Winter '09)
- Math 180A Number Theory I (Winter '22)
- Math 180B Number Theory II (Spring '21)
- Math 184 History of Mathematics (Spring '24)
- Symmetric R-spaces: submanifold geometry and
transformation theory (Ph.D. Thesis 2006)
- Isothermic Submanifolds of Symmetric R-spaces,
J. reine angew. Math. no. 660 (2011) (with Fran Burstall, Franz Pedit
and Ulrich Pinkall)
- Conformally flat submanifolds in spheres and integrable systems,
Tohoku Math. J. (2) Volume 63, Number 2 (2011) (with Chuu-Lian Terng)
- Generators for rational loop groups and geometric applications,
Trans. Amer. Mat. Soc. 363 (2011) (with Daniel Fox and
Oliver Goertsches)
- Isothermic Submanifolds, J. of Geom. Anal., Volume 22, Issue 3 (2012) (with Chuu-Lian Terng)