My mother's autobiography and vita items are now password protected. Should you desire access, I will ask my siblings if you fall within their guidelines. For those with username/password, click here vitalist-mmc.html.
2. Chronological list of research (and related) papers. Most of the later items end with mysite/precise_location (ex. mysite/paplist-mt). That is, on my site this is in a pdf file in the directory ~/paplist-mt. Add .html and expand mysite to (ex. to get an html listing including: data for this paper; a URL to an html file expanding on the paper; and a URL to the pdf file. I'm slowly (as of 10/13/07) including most of the papers in this format. vitachron.pdf
3. Quick Bio. A Bio intended for the lay audience, a brief history of Mike Fried's scientific career, starting from undergraduate school: Quickbio.pdf
4. Short vita accompanying a recent NSF Proposal: NSFvitaMT-RIGP-STC-0701342.pdf
5. Enhancing the teacher as an Evaluative Resource. Summary of the need for assessment technology in order that classroom topics of one class will effect those of another: teach_vita.pdf
6. explainingMyResearch: The path from the solution of Schur's conjecture and Davenport's Problem to finding appropriate spaces on which to generalize Serre's Open Image Theorem. The html file is the topics, the pdf file a version of the references.