Regular realizations of p-projective quotients and modular
curve-like towers
Part I: Use of conjugacy
After explaining Nielsen classes, describes the Branch Generation
Theorem. This is an addition to Conway-Fried-Parker-Voelklein from the
appendix of [inv_gal.pdf]. The gist: Given conjugacy classes in a centerless
group G, the regular realization of groups over a number field K using
just those conjugacy classes is equivalent to one of infinitely many
Hurwitz spaces defined by Nielsen classes supported just by those
conjugacy classes having a K point. Further, though the Hurwitz spaces
may not be irreducible, for infinitely many of the spaces, we know
exactly what are their absolutely irreducible components, and their
corresponding fields of definition. An example of this result is
described, the realization of alternating groups by 3-cycle branch
covers, where we know precisely the components (all defined over Q) of the Hurwitz spaces of r 3-cycle covers (see [hf-can0611591.pdf, Thm. A and B]).
Part II. Is the RIGP really so
[RIGP.html] has a survey of the
scope of the R(egular) I(nverse) G(alois) P(roblem). The talk surveys
the braid rigidity techniques that arose for covers with r conjugacy classes: with r=3 (what is called rigidity); and
techniques of Thompson-Voeklein producing Hurwitz spaces with r (large) conjugacy classes, that
are small covers of the configuration space, projective space Pr minus its discriminant
locus. Finally, what is especially learned from the case that
immediately compares with modular curves, r=4, where reduced Hurwitz spaces
are upper half-plane quotients.
Part III: The RIGP realm using
virtually pro-p groups
How the universal p-Frattini
cover of a finite group poses a question about the RIGP that is the
analog of the Fontain-Mazur conjecture. That is, if you just bound the number of branch points, then
regular realization of all p-Frattini
extensions of G forces the existence of a Modular Tower with this
extremely unlike modular curves property. All MT levels have a K point
where K is a number field. The Main Conjecture is that such K points
can't exist [mt-overview.html].
Part IV. Cusps on curve
components (r = 4)
There is a combinatorial description of cusps on all reduced Hurwitz
spaces, and a classification of them useful for considering the Main
Conjecture. A general question is the existence of p cusps. In the case of r=4 the Main Conjecture follows if
you can show some tower level has at least three p cusps, or if the genus of the
curve at that level exceeds 1, that there is at least one p cusp [lum-fried0611594pap.pdf,
Thm. 5.1]. [h4-0104289.pdf,
Chap. 9] describes in great detail the cusps of particular cases where G=A4 and A5,
and where the Main Conjecture holds. In these cases the structure of
the first two levels of the Modular Towers are understand in a fashion
analogous to the refined understanding of modular curve levels. [rims-fried10-26-06.pdf] describes
infinitely many Nielsen class cases where we now know the Main
Conjecture holds.
Part V: Compare modular curve
cusps with MT cusps
This is a brief review of the complete description of modular curve
cusps from a MT viewpoint. A full treatment is at [London1-ModCurves.pdf]. The most
important lesson: You see how modular curve properties come from p cusps generated by a Harbater-Mumford cusp. This
phenomenon is known to happen in many of the Modular Towers
coming from pure-cycle Nielsen classes used by Liu and Osserman where the
absolute Hurwitz spaces are connected.
Part VI. Where is the Main
Conjecture with r = 4?
The description above of modular curve type cusps happens when n≡ 1 mod 5, and the Nielsen classes
consist of four repetitions of the class of (n+1)/2 cycles in An.
This is a consequence of using the Spin-Lift Invariant formula from the
appendix as it is developed in [hf-can0611591.pdf, §
2]. In some other pure-cycle cases we can still prove the Main
Conjecture. Still others do not yet yield the Main Conjecture. Cadoret
has shown the Strong Torsion Conjecture implies the Main Conjecture [annaCad-Projart.pdf]. So,
this starts a project of test cases for implications for the STC. For
these cases we have precise results about the spaces that arise, and so
it is a guide to more precise questions on the STC.
Below this line, material in the
pdf file was not delivered during the actual talk.
Part VII. What happens in real
MT levels!
At first it seems like it might be difficult to understand the complete
set of cusp data. We have found, however, there is a concise graphical
device called the sh(ift)-incidence
matrix [h4-0104289.pdf,
§ 2.10, and examples beyond level 0 in Chap. 9]. This
discussion illustrates using the sh-incidence matrix. Especially, for
example, how we see in App. B why certain MT levels are not modular
Part VIII. Generalizing
Serre's OIT and the g-p conjecture
App. A: Fried-Serre Formula
for Spin-Lift Invariant
App. B: sh-incidence Matrix
for (A4,C±32)