DOC and/or PRG files in the folder proglist-intro
For a doc file and prg file with the same name, the doc is appropriate documentation. We suggest saving the programs name.prg without the .prg ending--that ending is just to conveniently tag them. Click a URL any of the [ 4] items below. "Pending" with an unclickable URL means still being constructed.

An explanation of the following Four Introductory Topics in using shell programs:

0. Basic Setup:
I. Making a file [program] that does something useful with applications:
II. Using .cshrc for moving around and editing files:
III. Poling files using egrep:

Open textedit program on a Macintosh:

Usage: op-te file_name(s) [If you leave out file names it opens textedit at a blank page.] op-te.prg

g(et)w(ord)cs(hrc): To extract a word from the .cshrc file of command aliases in your home directory. Usage: gwcs word1 word2 ... Example: Suppose in your home directory you type cat .cshrc and you see the following lines.

alias lf 'ls -F'
alias cd 'cd \!*;set prompt=`echo $cwd`":""\!="">"; lf'

Then, the command [gwcs prompt] should reveal the second of these lines. gwcs.prg

wikip program: Usage: wikip [phrase that could be a topic in the Wikipedia online encyclopedia]

Example for mathematicians: wikip algebraic geometry
Should open your browser to the URL on Wikipedia wikip.prg