Long Range Media
Paraxial wave propagation in random media with long-range correlations.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 83(1), 2023.
Partly Coherent
Partially Coherent Electromagnetic Beam Propagation in Random Media.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Accepted in Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2022.
Radiative Transfer
System of radiative transfer equations for coupled surface and body waves.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. (ZAMP), 73, 177, 2022.
Memory Effect
Speckle Memory Effect in the Frequency Domain and Stability in Time-Reversal Experiments.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Multiscale Model. Simul., 21(1), 2023.
Scintillation of Partially Coherent Light in Time Varying Complex Media.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A , 22(8), 1309-1322, 2022.
Surface waves
Onset of energy equipartition among surface and body waves.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2246, 2021.
Beam Propagation in Random Media
with Applications to Imaging and Communication.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Abstract Oberwolfach, 2020. |
Beaming Through Turbulence.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
OSA Technical Digest, paper PTh2D.4, 2019. |
Focusing waves through a randomly scattering medium in the
white-noise paraxial regime.
J. Garnier and K. Solna, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics,
77:2, pp. 500-519, 2 DOI:10.1137/16M1087266, 2017.
turbulent waveguide
Wave Propagation in Random Waveguides with Long-Range Correlations.
C. Gomez and K. Solna,
Communication in Mathematical Sciences, 16:6, 1557-1596, 2019.
turbulent media
On effective attenuation in multiscale composite media
J. Garnier and K. Solna, Waves
in Random and Complex Media, 25:5, 2015. |
elastic waves
Apparent attenuation of shear waves propagating through a randomly stratied anisotropic medium.
J. Garnier and K. Solna, Stochastic and Dynamics, 16, 2016. |
4th wave moment
Fourth-moment Analysis for Wave Propagation in the White-Noise Paraxial
J. Garnier and K. Solna, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 220, 37-81, 2016.
time varying media
Pulse propagation in time dependent randomly layered media.
L. Borcea and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Multiscale Model. Simul., 14:1, 265-300, 2016. |
hyperbolic system
White-Noise Paraxial Approximation for a General Random Hyperbolic
J. Garnier and K. Solna, SIAM J. Multiscale Model. Simul., 13:3, 1022-1060, 2015.
Brewster angle
Transmission and Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves in Randomly Layered Media,
J. Garnier and K. Solna.
Commun. Math. Sci., 13, 707-728, 2015.
Wave backscattering by point scatterers in the random paraxial regime
J. Garnier and K. Solna.
SIAM J. Multiscale Model. Simul., 3, 1309-1334, 2014.
Precursors for Waves in Random Media.
G. Bal, O. Pinaud, L. Ryzhik and K. Solna.
Wave Motion, 51, 1237-1253, 2014.
Scintillation in the White-Noise Paraxial Regime.
J. Garnier and K. Solna.
Communications in PDE, 39, 626-650, 2014.
wide angle
Coupled wideangle wave approximations.
J. Garnier and K. Solna.
SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., 10:1, 217-244, 2012.
weak localization
Enhanced and Specular Backscattering in Random Media,
M.V. de Hoop, J. Garnier and K. Solna.
Waves in Random and Complex Media, 22:4, 505-530,
A general framework for waves in random media with long-range correlations,
R. Marty and K. Solna,
Ann. Applied Probability, 21, 115-139, 2011.
pressure release
Wave transmission through random layering with pressure release boundary conditions,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 8, 912-943,
Fractional precursors in random media,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Waves in Random and Complex Meida, 20, 122-155, 2010.
fractional equation
Effective fractional acoustic wave equations in random multiscale media,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 127, 67-72, 2010.
enhanced backscattering
Scaling limits for wave pulse transmission and reflection operators,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Wave Motion, 2, 122-143, 2009.
elastic waves
Parabolic and white-noise approximations for elastic waves in random media,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Wave Motion,
46, 237-254, 2009.
el mag
Paraxial Coupling of Electromagnetic Waves in Random Media,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
7, 1928-1955, 2009.
long range
Acoustic Waves in Long Range Random Media,
R. Marty and K. Solna,
SIAM J. on Applied Math., 69, 1065-1083, 2009.
long range
Pulse propagation in random media with long-range correlation,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 7,
1302-1324, 2009.
coupled paraxial
Random backscattering in the parabolic scaling,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
J. Stat. Phys., 131, 445-486, 2008.
Effective transport equations and enhanced backscattering in random
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 68, 1574-1599, 2008.
Coupled paraxial wave equation in random media in the
white-noise regime.
J. Garnier and K. Solna.
Annals of Applied Probability, 19, 318-346, 2009.
Self-averaging from lateral diversity in the Ito-Schrodinger equation,
G. Papanicolaou, L. Ryzhik and K. Solna.
SIAM Journal on
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, To appear 2007.
medium perturbations
Time Reversal of Waves in a Perturbed Random Medium,
Daniel V. Alfaro and K. Solna.
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 6, 331-360, 2008.
Time reversal of Parabolic Waves and Two-Frequency Wigner Distribution
A. Fannjiang and K. Solna.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 6, 4, 783-802, 2006.
Superresolution and Duality for Time-reversal of Waves in
Random Media,
A. Fannjiang and K. Solna.
Physics Letters A, V 352, 1-2, 22-29, 2005.
Propagation and time-reversal of wave beams in atmospheric
A. Fannjiang and K. Solna,
SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 3, 3, 522-558, 2005.
Time Reversal Super Resolution in Randomly Layered Media.
J.P. Fouque, J. Garnier and K. Solna.
Wave Motion, 42,238-260,2006.
Time Reversal Refocusing for Point Source in Randomly
Layered Media.
J.P. Fouque, J. Garnier A. Nachbin and K. Solna.
Wave Motion 42:3, 191-288, 2005.
Focusing of time-reversed reflections.
K. Solna.
Waves in Random Media, 12, 1-21, 2002.
The parabolic wave approximation and time reversal.
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G. Papanicolaou, L. Ryzhik and K. Solna.
Matematica Contemporanea, V 23, 139-160, 2002.
Statistical stability in time reversal.
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G. Papanicolaou, L. Ryzhik and K. Solna.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, V 64, 1133-1155, 2004.
Time-reversal aperture enhancement.
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J. P. Fouque and K. Solna.
SIAM Journal on
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, V 1, 4, 609-629, 2003.
shallow water
Apparent pulse diffusion due to disordered microstructure.
[.pdf, ]
A. Nachbin and K. Solna.
Proceeding, XX CILAMCE, Sao Paulo, 1999.
shallow water
Apparent diffusion due to mountain microstructure
in shallow waters.
[.pdf, ]
A. Nachbin and K. Solna.
Physics of Fluids, V 15, 1, 66-77, 2003.
Scaling limits for wave beams in atmospheric turbulence.
A. Fannjiang and K. Solna.
Stochastics and Dynamics, V 4, 1, 135-151, 2004.
Acoustic pulse spreading in a random fractal.
[.pdf, ]
K. Solna.
SIAM Journal of Applied
Mathematics, V 63, 5, 1764-1788, 2003.
local layering
Ray Theory for a Locally Layered Medium.
K. Solna and G. C. Papanicolaou.
Waves in Random Media, V 10, 151 - 198, 2000.
local layering
Stable spreading of acoustic pulses due to laminated microstructure.
K. Solna, thesis, 1998.
Conditional score-based diffusion models for Bayesian
inference in infinite dimensions.
L. Baldassari, A. Siahkoohi, J. Garnier, Knut S\o lna and
M. De Hoop, arXiv:2305.19147v1, 2023.
Multiplexing schemes for optical communication through atmospheric turbulence.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier and K. Solna,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37(5), 720-730, 2020.
enhanced backscattering
Enhanced Backscattering of a partially coherent field from an anisotropic random lossy medium,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Discrete and continuous dynamical systems series B, doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2020158 accepted 2020.
moving medium
Sound propagation in a weakly turbulent flow in a waveguide.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 79:6, 2663-2687, 2019.
moving medium
Wave propagation and imaging in moving random media.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Multiscale Model.
Simul., 31, 31-67, 2019.
speckle imaging
Non-invasive imaging through random media.
J. Garier and K. Solna,
SIAM Journal of
Applied Mathematics, 78:6, 3296-3315, 2018.
speckle imaging
Imaging through a scattering medium by speckle intensity correlations.
J. Garier and K. Solna,
Inverse Problems 34:9, 094003, 2018.
Resolution analysis of passive synthetic aperture imaging of fast moving objects.
L. Borcea, J. Garier, G. Papanicolaou
K. Solna and C. Tsogka,
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 10:2, 665-710, 2017.
daylight imaging
Global acoustic daylight imaging in a stratified Earth-like model.
M.V. de Hoop, J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Inverse Problems, 43:1, 2018.
Medium induced resolution enhancement for
broadband imaging,
H. Ammari, J. Garnier, J. de Rosny, and K. Solna, Inverse Problems, 30:8, 085006, 2014.
Applications of random matrix theory for sensor array
imaging with measurement noise
J. Garnier and K. Solna.
Random Matrices MSRI Publications, 65, 223-246, 2014.
A Multiscale Approach to Synthetic Aperture Radar in Random Media
J. Garnier and K. Solna.
Inverse Problems, 5, 29, 054006, 2013.
partial aperture
Partial Data Resolving Power of Conductivity Imaging from Boundary Measurements
H. Ammari, J. Garnier and K. Solna.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 45:3, 1704-722, 2013.
noise blending
Imaging with Noise Blending
M. de Hoop, E. Fedrizzi, J. Garnier and K. Solna.
``Multi-Scale and High-Contrast PDE: From Modelling, to Mathematical Analysis, to Inversion'', Proceedings of the AMS, Editors H. Ammari, Y. Capdeboscq and H. Kang,
105-124, 2012.
Resolution and stability analysis in full-aperture linearized conductivity and wave imaging
H. Ammari, J. Garnier and K. Solna.
Proceedings of the AMS, 141, 3431-3446, 2013.
cross correlations
Retrival of a Greens function with reflections from partly
coherent waves generated by wave packets using cross correlations.
M.V. de Hoop, J. Garnier, S.F. Holman and K. Solna.
SIAM J. App. Math., 73:1, 493-522, 2013.
cross correlations
Scattering enabled retrieval of Green's functions from remotely incident
wave packets using cross correlations
M.V. de Hoop, J. Garnier, S.F. Holman and K. Solna.
Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 343:8-9, 526-532, 2011.
Extended targets
Multistatic imaging of extended targets,
H. Ammari, J. Garnier, H. Kang, M. Lim and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Imaging Science, 5:2,564-600, 2011.
Passive Kirchhoff
Filtered Kirchhoff migration of cross-correlations of ambient noise signals,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Inverse Problems, 5, 371-390, 2011.
passive imaging
Background velocity estimation by cross correlations of ambient noise
signals in radiative transport regime,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Comm. Math. Sci., 9:3, 743-766, 2011.
A statistical approach to target detection and localization in the prescence of noise,
H. Ammari, J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Waves in Random and Complex Media, 22:1, 4-65, 2011.
Imaging Schemes for perfectly conducting cracks,
H. Ammari, J. Garnier, H. Kang, W.K. Park and K. Solna,
SIAM Journal on Applied mathematics, 71 68-19, 2011.
passive imaging
Passive imaging and detection in cluttered media,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
PROCEEDINGS of The Third International
Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive
edited by IEEE, 225-228, December 2009.
Time reversal for inclusion detection in randomly layered media,
D. Alfaro Vigo and K. Solna,
In: Mathematical and Statistical methods for Imaging, AMS, 2011.
passive imaging
Cross correlation and deconvolution of noise signals in randomly layered media,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 3, 809-139, 2010.
velocity estimation
Background velocity estimation with cross correlations
of incoherent waves in the parabolic scaling,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Inverse Problems, 25, 045005, 2009.
Expectation-Maximization Algorithm with Local Adaptivity,
Shingyu Leung, Gang Liang, Knut Solna and Hongkai Zhao,
Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2 [3], 834-857, 2009.
A phase and space coherent direct imaging algorithm,
S. Hou, K. Huang, K. Solna and H. Zhao,
J. of Acoustic Society of America, 125, 227-238, 2009.
Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Multiple Point Targets in Rician
Fading Media,
A.C. Fannjiang, K. Solna and P. Yan,
SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 2, 344, 2009.
passive imaging
Estimating a Green's function from ``field-field'' correlations in a random medium,
M. de Hoop and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 69, 909-932, 2009.
Coherent Interferometric Imaging for Synthetic
Aperture Radar in the Presence of Noise,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Inverse Problems, 24, 055001, 2008.
Broadband Resolution Analysis for Imaging with Measurement Noise.
A. Fannjiang and K. Solna.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 24, 6,
1623-1632, 2007.
Imaging of a Dissipative layer in a random Medium Using a
Time-reversal Method.
J.P. Fouque, J. Garnier A. Nachbin and K. Solna.
Proceedings MC2QMC, Juan-les-Pins, 2004.
A Direct Imaging Method Using Far Field Data.
S. Hou, K. Solna and H. Zhao.
Inverse Problems, 22, 4, 1151-1178, 2006.
A Direct Imaging Algorithm for Extended Targets.
S. Hou, K. Solna and H. Zhao.
Inverse Problems, 22,4, 1151-1178, 2006.
level set method
Imaging of location and geometry for extended targets using
the response matrix.
S. Hou, K. Solna and H. Zhao.
Journal of Comp. Physics, 199:1, 317-338, 2004.
turbulent market
Implied Volatility Structure in Turbulent and Long-memory Markets, Accepted in .
J. Garier and K. Solna,
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2020.
Chaos and Order in the Bitcoin Market.
J. Garier and K. Solna,
Physica A, 524,708-721, 2019.
Emergence of Turbulent Epochs in Oil Prices.
J. Garier and K. Solna,
Chaos, Solitons \& Fractals, 22, 281-292, 2019.
A Time-Frequency Analysis of Oil Price Data.
J. Garier and K. Solna,
Prisme N 33, 2017.
Optimal hedging under fast-varying stochastic volatility
J. Garier and K. Solna,
SIAM Jornal of Financial Mathematics, 11:1, 274-325, 2020.
turbulent markets
Option pricing under fast-varying and rough stochastic volatility.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Annals of Finance, accepted 2018.
turbulent markets
Option pricing under fast-varying long-memory stochastic volatility.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
Mathematical Finance, accepted 2018.
turbulent markets
Correction to Black-Scholes formula due to fractional stochastic volatility.
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
SIAM J. Finan. Math., 8:1, 560-588, 2017.
Three l1 based nonconvex methods in constructing
sparse mean reverting portfolios.
X. Long, K. Solna and J. Xin,
Journal of Scientific Computing, 75:2, 2017.
Multiname and Multiscale Default Modeling,
J.P. Fouque, R. Sircar and K. Solna,
SIAM J. on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
7, 1956-1978, 2009.
Bond markets with stochastic volatility,
R. DeSantiago, J. P. Fouque and K. Solna.
In Advances in Econometrics: Econometrics of Risk Managemen,
T. F. Fomby, J.P. Fouque and K. Solna, editors,
Emerald Group Publishing, 215-242, 2008.
Stochastic Volatility Effects on Defaultable Bonds,
J. P. Fouque, K. R. Sircar and K. Solna.
Applied Mathematical Finance, 13, 3, 215-244, 2006.
Maturity Cycles in Implied Volatility.
J. P. Fouque, G. Papanicolaou, K. R. Sircar and K. Solna.
Finance and Stochastics, V 8, 4, 451-477, 2004.
Multiscale Stochastic Volatility Asymptotics.
J. P. Fouque, G. Papanicolaou, K. R. Sircar and K. Solna.
SIAM Journal for Multiscale
Modeling and Simulation, V 2, 1, 22-42, 2003.
Short time-scale in S&P500 volatility.
J. P. Fouque, G. Papanicolaou, K. R. Sircar and K. Solna.
Journal of Computational
Finance, V 6, 4, 1-24, 2003.
stochastic volatility
Singular perturbations in option pricing.
J. P. Fouque, G. Papanicolaou, K. R. Sircar and K. Solna.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, V 63, 5, 1648-1665, 2003.
Timing the smile.
J. P. Fouque, G. Papanicolaou, K. R. Sircar and K. Solna.
The Wilmott Magazine, March 2004.
escape problem
The mean escape time for a narrow escape problem with
multiple switching gates,
H. Ammari, J. Garnier, H. Kang, H. Lee and K. Solna.
SIAM Multiscale Model. Simiul., 2011.
group velocity
Bounds for the group velocity of electromagnetic signals
in two phase materials.
[.pdf, ]
K. Solna and G. Milton. Physica B, V 279, 1, 9-12, 2000.
group velocity
Can mixing materials make electromagnetic signals travel faster?
K. Solna and G. Milton.
SIAM Journal of Applied
Mathematics, V 62, 6, 2064-2091, 2002.
local turbulence
Characterization of local turbulence in
magnetic confinement devices,
M. Rajkovic, M. Skoric, K. Solna and G. Antar,
Nucl. Fusion, 48, 024016, 2008.
Estimation of pulse shaping for well-logs.
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K. Solna. Geophysics, V 66, 1605-1611, 2001.
Wavelet based estimation of Kolmogorov turbulence.
G. Papanicolaou and K. Solna.
In: Long-range Dependence: Theory and Applications.
Editors P. Doukhan, G. Oppenmeim and M. S. Taqqu, 2002.
Segmentation independent estimates of turbulence parameters.
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G. Papanicolaou, D. Washburn and K. Solna.
Airborne laser advanced technology. Editors T. Steiner and
P. Merritt, SPIE, V 3381, 256 - 267, 1998.
Robust Analysis of Aerothermal Data.
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G. Papanicolaou, C. Rino, V. Kruger and K. Solna.
Vista Research Technical Report No. 2096 TM-98-001, 1998.
global warming
Time-Trend Estimation for a Geographic Region.
[.pdf, ]
K. Solna and P. Switzer.
Journal of the American Statistical Association,
V 91, 577 - 589, 1996.
Foldy Lax
A generalized Foldy-Lax formulation,
K. Huang, K. Solna and H. Zhao,
J. of Computational Physics, 229, 4544-4553, 2010.
paraxial backscattering
A Two-way Paraxial System for Simulation of Wave Backscattering by a Random Medium,
J. Garnier and K. Solna,
J. of Computational Physics, 20, 3307-3325, 2009.
wave propagation
Analysis of wave propagation in 1D inhomogeneous media.
P. Guidotti, J. Lambers and K.
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization,
27, 1, 25-55, 2006.
wave propagation
Efficient Numerical Simulation for Long Range Wave Propagation.
K. Huang, G. Papanicolaou, K. Solna, C. Tsogka and H. Zhao,
Journal of Computational Physics, 215, 2, 448-464, 2006.
wave propagation
Coupled Parabolic Equations for Wave Propagation.
K. Huang, K. Solna and H. Zhao, Methods and
Applications of Analysis, 11, 3, 399-412, 2004.
generalized SVD
Computing the SVD of a general matrix product/quotient.
G. Golub, K. Solna and P. Van Dooren.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis
and Applications, V22, 1, 1-19, 2001.