Your performance on this practice test will not affect your final grade (pass/no pass) in Math 194.
Do as many problems as you can, and return your completed exam by 7pm on Tuesday, November 14. You can either bring it to class, or leave it under the door of RH 510L, or email it to If you don't make progress on any of the problems, there is no need to turn anything in.
When you are ready to start, the practice exam is available here.
And here are brief solutions/hints to the practice exam.
The Putnam exam will be given on Saturday December 2, 2017, 8-11 am and 1-4 pm, in RH 101 (not the usual Math 194 classroom!). Students enrolled in Math 194 must attend both the morning and afternoon sessions.
More practice material courtesy of Dennis Eichhorn:
Problems A1 and B1 (the easiest Putnam problems)
1985-2006, with solutions,
some mock Putnam exams with solutions from the University of Illinois, and some general
Putnam problem-solving tools
You can take the Putnam Exam even if you don't take Math 194, but you must sign up by noon on Friday, October 13. (If you are enrolled in Math 194, I will sign you up automatically.) To sign up, send me an e-mail at All email signup requests will be acknowledged. Because of the early deadline, you should sign up if there's any chance at all you'll want to take the exam. If you're not enrolled in Math 194 and you change your mind later and don't take the exam, that's OK.
Everyone is welcome, whether or not you are enrolled for credit. If you like solving problems it should be fun. If you want to take the Putnam exam (and who wouldn't?) this will be good practice.
date | Chapter from Larson | problems to do for next week |
some solutions, courtesy of Dennis Eichhorn |
in-class problems |
Oct. 3 | 1 | problem set 1 | solutions | class 1 |
Oct. 10 | 2 | problem set 2 | solutions | class 2 |
Oct. 17 | 3 | problem set 3 | solutions | class 3 |
Oct. 24 | CLASS CANCELLED | |||
Oct. 31 | 4 | problem set 4 | solutions | class 4 |
Nov. 7 | 5 | problem set 5 | solutions | class 5 |
Nov. 14 | 6 | problem set 6 | solutions | class 6 |
Nov. 21 | 7 | problem set 7 | solutions | class 7 |
Nov. 28 | 8 | problem set 8 | class 8 | |
Dec. 5 | go over Putnam exam |