The UCI MathBridges Initiative


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The department of mathematics is engaged in a variety of outreach and inclusive excellence activities that can be viewed as an attempt to build bridges. Offering reading courses to undergraduate students can be of help in preparing to apply to graduate school or to enter the professional world. Outreach activities for middle and high school students aim at the bridging the gap between K-12 and college education. At every transition, be it from high school to college, from college to a graduate program or to a professional career, from a postdoctoral position to a tenure track research or teaching position, there are gaps that need to be bridged. The central goal of this website is facilitating the crossing of these bridges by forstering the exchange of experiences, by providing opportunities to interact between people on either side of the bridge, making useful information available, and organizing talks, panels, meetings about relevant topics. It brings together the wealth of activities that the department of mathematics is engaged in and are consistent with its goals.
Whether you are a middle, high school, undergraduate, or graduate student you can not only use the resources you can find on this website to obtain information, support, or contacts, but also volunteer in one of the many activities that we organize. If, for instance, you are a graduate students, do explore the other sections of this website, where you can find volunteering opportunities.

If you are a middle or high school student ...
If you are an undergraduate student ...
If you are a graduate student ...
If you are a postdoc or a faculty member ...

Copyright © Patrick Guidotti MMXXI