Dennis Eichhorn's Home Page
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Hello! Welcome to my home page.
I work in the areas of Combinatorics and Analytic Number Theory
here at UCI's
Math Department.
The primary focus of my research is in partition theory, but I do research
in other areas as well.
My Erdös Number is 2,
and I have an exciting mathematical genealogy.
At the
Illinois Number Theory Celebration
in honor of Paul Bateman's 90th birthday and Bruce Berndt's 70th birthday,
I had the opportunity to follow in Bruce's footsteps and present him
this poem.
I am happy to help anyone interested in training for the
Putnam Exam.
I have been helping train students for several years at various
and most have found meeting to solve tons of cool problems to be highly
enjoyable and very Putnam-score beneficial.
If you are interested in gathering to spend more time solving
beautiful and challenging problems,
let me know by emailing me at:
deichhor (at) math (dot) uci (dot) edu
There is also a course,
Math 194,
every Fall for this exact purpose.
I also have some experience holding training sessions for math majors preparing to
take the
Math Subject exam.
If you are an undergraduate here at UCI, please contact me if you are interested.
Recently, some of our graduating graduate students have realized that collectively
preparing for their job interviews has many benefits. I am collecting interesting
interview questions that our graduates have encountered, and I am available for
assistance in preparing for interviews and "job talks". Please contact me at any
stage in your preparation if you are interested.
Please email me for copies of my papers, questions, conjectures, etc.
Here are some of my most recent papers.
Copartitions, with Hannah Burson.
On the parity of the number of (a,b,m)-copartitions of n, with Hannah Burson.
Cranks for partitions with bounded largest part, with Brandt Kronholm and Acadia Larsen.
Congruences for consecutive Gaussian polynomial coeffcients with
crank statistics, with Lydia Engle and Brandt Kronholm.