Quick Time movies for the Ward Solitons given in section 10 of the paper "Backlund transformations, Ward solitons, and unitons" by Bo Dai and Chuu-Lian Terng (this is the pdf file of the paper with 12 Figures)
Movie for Figure 3 (2-soliton with poles at i and 1 + i, and a0= 2w, a1= 2w+w^3. Time from -6 to 6.)
Movie for Figure 4 (2-soliton with poles at i and 0.1 + i, and a0= 2w, a1= 2w+ 0.1w^3. Time from -20 to 20.) This 2-soliton is the interaction of two 1-solitons: the first 1-soliton is the stationary one given by a0=2w, and the second the 1-soliton whose extended solution has a pole at 0.1+ i and a0= 2w + 0.1 w^3. This second 1-soliton has three lumps on a line and moves very slowly. Note that the resulting 2-soliton have 4 lumps, but only 3 are visible and the fourth lump is so small that it is essentially invisible.
Movie for Figure 5 (2-soliton with poles at i and 0.001 + i, and a0= 2w, a1= 2w+0.001w^3. Time from -40 to 40.) This 2-soliotn is the interaction of two 1-solitons, the first one is the same as in Figure 4, and the second has an extended solution with a pole at 0.001 + i and a0= 2w + 0.001 w^3. The second 1-soliton still has 3 lumps on a line, but they are farther apart. The resulting 2-soliton has only three lumps visible. This is essentially the limiting case, which is shown in the next movie.
Movie for the limit of Figure 5 (This is the limit of the 2-soliton constructed in Figure 4 and 5 as the second pole e + i goes to i with a0= 2w, a1= 2w + e w^3.) This 2-soliton has pole data (i, 2). It is not stationary, and is quite different from the 2-solitons with distinct poles. Also, the typical behavior of interacting two 1-solitons get lost in the limit.
Movie for Figure 6 (2-soliton with a double pole at 1 + i, and a0= 2w, a1= w^3. Time from -6 to 6.)
Movie for Figure 7 (3-soliton with poles at i, i, 1 + i, and a0=w, a1=w^3, a2=w^2. Time from -8 to 8.)
Movie for Figure 8 (3-soliton with a triple pole at i, and a0=w, a1=w^3, a2=w^5. Time from -8 to 8.)
Movie for Figure 9 (4-soliton with a double pole at i and simple poles at 1 + i and 0.5 + 0.75 i, and a0= w, a1=w^3 for the double pole i, a2= 1+4w^2, and a3= 1+0.5w^4 for the two simple poles respectively. Time from -12 to 12.)
Movie for the first 2-soliton in the 4-soliton Figure 10 (2-soliton with a double pole at i, and a0=w, a1=w^3. Time from -9 to 9)
Movie for the second 2-soliton in the 4-soliton Figure 10 (2-soliton with a double pole at 1+ i, and a0= w^4,a1= 1+ w + w^2. Time from -9 to 9.)
Movie for Figure 10 (4-soliton with double poles at i and at 1 + i, a0= w, a1= w^3, a2=w^4, a3= 1+w+w^2. Time from -9 to 9.) We see the two 2-solitons seperate after interaction, but they keep their shapes.
Movie for Figure 11 (4-soliton with a triple pole at i and a simple pole at 1 + i, and a0=w, a1 = w^3, a2 = w^5, a3= w^2. Time from -12 to 12.)
Movie for Figure 12 (4-soliton with a multiplicity 4 pole at i, and a0 = w, a1= w^5, a2= w^4, a4= w^2. Time from -8 to 8.)