We have implemented multigrid solvers for linear algebraic systems arising from various finite element methods. Here we briefly present the usage for a symmetric and positive definite matrix equation Ax = b
x = A\b;
x = amg(A,b);
x = mg(A,b,elem);
Backslash \
is the build-in direct solver of MATLAB. It is suitable for small size problems. x = amg(A,b)
implements algebraic multigrid solver. To acheive multigrid efficiency, a hierarchical 'grids' is generated from the graph of A
. When the mesh is avaiable, x = mg(A,b,elem)
implements geometric multigrid solvers. Inside mg
, an coarsening algorithm is applied to the mesh given by elem
More options is allowed in mg
and amg
. Try help mg
and help amg
for possible options including tolerance, V or W-cycles, number of smoothings steps, and print level etc.
Here we include several examples for discrete Poisson matrices. Solvers for other finite element methods and other equations can be found
% setting
mesh.shape = 'square';
mesh.type = 'uniform';
mesh.size = 2e5;
pde = 'Poisson';
fem = 'P1';
% get the matrix
[eqn,T] = getfemmatrix(mesh,pde,fem);
% compare solvers
tic; disp('Direct solver'); x1 = eqn.A\eqn.b; toc;
tic; x2 = mg(eqn.A,eqn.b,T.elem); toc;
tic; x3 = amg(eqn.A,eqn.b); toc;
format shorte
fprintf('Difference between direct and mg, amg solvers %0.2g, %0.2g \n',...
For problem size of 2.6×105, mg
ties with direct solver \
. But amg
is aroud 3-4 times slover.
%% Lshape adaptive grids
mesh.shape = 'Lshape';
mesh.type = 'adaptive';
mesh.size = 2e4;
pde = 'Poisson';
fem = 'P1';
% get the matrix
[eqn,T] = getfemmatrix(mesh,pde,fem);
% compare solvers
tic; disp('Direct solver'); x1 = eqn.A\eqn.b; toc;
tic; x2 = mg(eqn.A,eqn.b,T.elem); toc;
tic; x3 = amg(eqn.A,eqn.b); toc;
fprintf('Difference between direct and mg, amg solvers %0.2g, %0.2g \n',...
The finest mesh is several uniform refinement of an adaptive mesh shown above. Now the multigrid outperforms the direct solver around the size of 7e5. amg is 4-5 times slower.
% Cube uniform grids
mesh.shape = 'cube';
mesh.type = 'uniform';
mesh.size = 2e4;
pde = 'Poisson';
fem = 'P1';
% get the matrix
[eqn,T] = getfemmatrix3(mesh,pde,fem);
% compare solvers
tic; disp('Direct solver'); x1 = eqn.A\eqn.b; toc;
tic; x2 = mg(eqn.A,eqn.b,T.elem); toc;
tic; x3 = amg(eqn.A,eqn.b); toc;
fprintf('Difference between direct and mg, amg solvers %0.2g, %0.2g \n',...
For 3-D linear element, mg
wins at an even smaller size 3.6×104. Again amg
is 3-4 times slower than mg