Math 226C Spring 2012
Math 266C Computational PDE
Meeting Information
- Room: RH 440R
- Day & time: Tu Th 11:00 am - 12:20 pm
- Office hour: M W 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Project and Homework
In Math 226 C, we shall focus on numerical solutions for the
hyperbolic equations: the transport equation, the wave equation and the
conservation laws.
- J.W. Thomas. Numerical Partial Differential Equations.
- S. Larsson and V. Thom´ee, Partial Differential Equations with
Numerical Methods, Springer, 2003.
- Gilbert Strang. Computational Science and Engineering,
Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2007. Watch viedos in
iTunes U.
Your course grade will be determined by your cumulative average at the end of the term:
- 40% Homework
- 40% Matlab projects
- 20% Final Exam/Project