226fall 2009project 1 |
The purpose of this project is to write a finite element code for solving the Poisson equation in a general polygonal domain using piecewise linear finite elements. The project will be divided by several steps.
You will end with this mesh.
Compute all the local stiffness matrix for the Poisson equation discretized by linear finite elements defined on the mesh given above.
You can compare your result with the answer.
Compute the global stiffness matrix based on the local stiffness matrices and store the stiffness matrix using the sparse matrix data struture.
You can compare your result with the answer where the matrix is presented in the formate
i j A(i,j)
Using three points quadrature (i.e. 3 middle points of a triangle) to compute the right hand side vector b.
Using the function findboundary.m to find boundary nodes and edges. Code Dirichlet boundary condition and Neumann boundary condition by changing the right hand side.
When solving Poinsson equation with homogenous Neumann boundary condition, the resulting right hand side b should satisfy the compatible condition
sum(b) = 0
Because of the limited accuracy of the numerical quadrature, the computed right hand side vector does not exactly satisfy the compatible condition. One may slightly modify the right hand in such a way
b = b - mean(b);
|| D u_I - D u_h ||and conclude the rate of convergence.