The dance was devised in the summer of 2002 in
honor of
Audrey Terras,
on the occasion of the
Audrey Terras Birthday Conference and Party.
Audrey is a mathematician, an inspiration, and a free spirit. I hope
that the dance conveys Audrey's
unique personality. The
mathematically-inclined can note the
zeta function imagery in the
"critical line" and the clockwise and counterclockwise circles
(evoking both
contour integrals and the
zeros of the
zeta function).
Note also that the first "leader" is the
first woman, who is the
model for the leaders who follow.
This dance can be danced as a Scottish Country Dance or as an English Country Dance.
For the odd-numbered times through the dance, the "leader" is the person who starts in the first woman's position. For the even-numbered times, the "leader" is the person who starts in the first man's position. This way, each person is a leader once. In order, the leaders are 1W, 2W, 3W, 1M, 2M, 3M.