Alice Silverberg -- Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Princeton University (1984)
M.A. in Mathematics, Princeton University (1981)
Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics, University of Cambridge (1980, retrospectively upgraded to a MASt degree in 2011)
A.B. summa cum laude in mathematics, Harvard University (1979)
Distinguished Professor Emerita, University of California, Irvine (2020-present)
Distinguished Professor, University of California, Irvine (2018- )
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine (2004-
Professor of Mathematics, Ohio State University (1996-2004)
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ohio State University (1990-96)
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Ohio State University (1984-90)
Editorial Team, Newsletter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) (2009- )
Media Column Editor, AWM Newsletter (2008- )
Board of Directors, Number Theory Foundation (2020-2024)
Organizer, series of Cryptography Days and a Cryptography Learning Seminar at UCI (2015-2020)
AMS Nominating Committee (2018-20)
AMS Next Generation Campaign Steering Committee (2018-19)
Organizer and Moderator, Symposium on Cybersecurity: Mathematics and Policy, AAAS Annual Meeting, Boston (2017)
Invited Organizer, AMS-MAA Special Session, Joint Mathematics Meetings,
Atlanta (2017)
Co-organizer, Mathematical Structures for Cryptography workshop at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands (2016)
Organizer, Conference on Mathematics of Cryptography (2015)
Co-organizer, L-functions and Arithmetic conference, Harvard (2015)
Co-organizer, Special Session, American Mathematical Society Fall Western Sectional Meeting (2015)
CRYPTO 2014 Program Committee
ProvSec 2014 Program Committee (International Conference on Provable Security)
Program Committee (Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 2014)
Organizer, Workshop on Lattices with Symmetry (2013)
Pairing 2013 Technical Program Committee
CT-RSA 2012 Program Committee (RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track)
ProvSec 2011 Program Committee (International Conference on Provable Security, Xi'an, China)
Co-organizer of the
Applications of Algebraic Geometry to Coding Theory and Cryptography Minisymposium at the 2011 SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, 2011
AAAS Program Review Panelist, 2011
Judge, Presenter, and Panelist, MSRI Night at PlayGround, MSRI and Berkeley Repertory Theatre, 2011
CT-RSA 2011 Program Committee (RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track)
MSRI Connections for Women Workshop Panel, 2011
AWM Executive Committee, Member-at-Large (2006-10)
AWM Policy and Advocacy Committee (Chair: 2007-10, Co-Chair: 2006-07)
Pairing 2010 Program Committee
Program Committee (Ninth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 2010)
ISPEC 2010 International Program Committee (The 6th Information Security Practice and Experience Conference, Seoul, Korea)
ICISA 2010 Program Committee (International Conference on Information Science and Applications, Seoul, Korea)
IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute 2009, co-organizer.
ISDF 2009 (International Workshop on Information Security and Digital Forensics, Jeju, Korea)
SECRYPT 2009 Program Committee (International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Milan, Italy)
ProvSec 2009 Program Committee (The Third Provable Security Conference, Guangzhou, China)
ISPEC 2009 Program Committee (The Fifth Information Security Practice and Experience Conference, Xi'an, China)
Consultant, "Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem" film (1999-2007)
American Mathematical Society (AMS) Cole Prize Committee (2007-08)
Program Committee for the AMS-MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings (2007-08, 2005-06)
Consultant, NUMB3RS TV show (2006)
PQCrypto 2008 Program Committee (the Second International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography)
ProvSec 2008 Program Committee (International Conference on Provable Security, Shanghai, China)
SECRYPT 2008 Program Committee (International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Porto, Portugal)
Program Committee, International Conference on Information Science and Security 2008, Seoul, Korea
CT-RSA 2008 Program Committee (RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track)
Ross Program Reunion-Conference Organizing Committee (2007)
SECRYPT 2007 Program Committee (International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Barcelona, Spain)
ProvSec 2007 Program Committee (International Conference on Provable Security, Wollongong, Australia)
PKC 2006 Program Committee (9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Public Key Cryptography)
Organizing Committee,
IPAM Workshop on "Number Theory and Cryptography --
Open Problems", in connection with Fall 2006 IPAM program on
"Securing Cyberspace: Application and Foundations of Cryptography and Computer Security" (at IPAM/UCLA)
SECRYPT 2006 Program Committee (International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Portugal)
PQCrypto 2006 Program Committee (the first International Workshop on Post-Quantum
Cryptography, Leuven, Belgium)
Organizing Committee,
MSRI Introductory Workshop in Rational and Integral Points on
Higher-Dimensional Varieties
Human Resources Board of the American Institute of Mathematics Research Conference Center (2005-08)
AMS Program Committee for National Meetings (2005-08)
CRYPTO 2005 Program Committee
CRYPTO 2004 Program Committee
Rational and Integral Points on Higher-Dimensional Varieties Program Co-organizer
Hands-on Workshop, Expanding Your Horizons Conference (2003)
AMS Committee on Committees (2000-03)
Ross Program Conference Organizing Committee (2001)
AMS Travel Grants Evaluation Panel (2000)
Editor, Transactions and Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (1996-2000)
AMS Policy Committee on Publications (1996-98)
AMS Council, Member at Large (1995-98)
National Science Foundation Review Panel (1997)
Arnold E. Ross
90th Birthday Conference Organizing Committee (1996)
AMS Policy Committee on Meetings and Conferences
Invited Organizer, Special Session, American Mathematical Society Fall Central Sectional Meeting, (1995)
American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowship Committee (1993-95);
Chair (1994-95)
Fermat Fest Planning Committee, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Panel on Graduate Programs, Berkeley/Mills Summer Mathematics Institutes
- NSF Review Panel
- AMS Advisory Panels for the NSA Mathematical Sciences Program
- Expert adviser for the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Academy Professorship Selection Committee
- Expert evaluator for Swiss National Science Foundation.
- Expert evaluator for the Killam Research Fellowship, Canada Council for the Arts
- Nominator for the MacArthur Fellows Program
- Reviewer for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Advisor and/or mentor to graduate and undergraduate students and to postdocs
Dissertation committees
Reviewer, referee
Consultant and/or reviewer for Oxford University Press,
Princeton University Press,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press,
John Wiley & Sons
Cybersecurity Policy and Research Institute: Executive Committee, Founding Member, Representative from the School of Physical Sciences (2015-2018)
Council on Academic Personnel (CAP) (2014-2017)
Campus Distinctions Committee (2007)
Area Leader, Cryptography:
Secure Computing and Networking Center (SCONCE) (2007-present),
Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Area Leader, Cryptography:
Center for Cyber-Security and Privacy (2005-07),
Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Chair of Organizing Committee,
Southern California Security and Cryptography Workshop (2005)
Abstract Judge, Council of Graduate Students Abstracts Competition (1996)
Ohio State University Research Foundation Principal Investigator Advisory Committee (1993-95)
College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Evaluation Committee (1991-92)
Chair's Advisory Committee
Office Space Committee
Normal Merit Committee
Space Committee (Chair)
Colloquium Committee (Chair)
VAP Selection Committees (Chair)
Distinguished Visitor Committees (Chair)
Computer Committee
Graduate Studies Committee
Undergraduate Studies Committee
Hiring Subcommittees
Personnel Committees (Chair)
Graduate Admissions and/or Advisory Committees
Southern California Number Theory Day Conference Organizing Committees
Promotion and Tenure Committees
Algebra Qualifying Exam Committees (Chair)
Thesis Advisor
Advancement to Candidacy Committees (Chair)
Final Oral Exam Commitees (Chair)
Reader for Ph.D. theses
Senior Honors Theses Advisor
Undergraduate Mentor
Zassenhaus Lectures Committees
Library Committee
Committee to Evaluate Non-Tenured Faculty
General Examination Committees (Chair)
Ombudsperson for Algebra Qualifying Exam
Masters Committee
Cryptography Seminar Organizer
Number Theory Seminar Co-organizer
Algebra Seminar Co-organizer
Over 300 invited lectures worldwide.
Settings include colloquia, conferences, seminars,
industrial settings, high-school student audiences,
and public lectures.
DoCoMo USA Labs
Xerox PARC
Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Stanford University
Bell Labs Research Silicon Valley
Stanford University (Computer Science and Mathematics Departments)
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley)
University of California at Berkeley
Chuo University (Tokyo)
Harvard University
Bunting Institute at Harvard University
Institut Henri Poincaré (Centre Emile Borel)
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques
Institute for Advanced Study
Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik
Macquarie University (Australia)
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center (Yorktown Heights)
Patent 7,716,250, Erasure coding and group computations using rooted binary and ternary trees
(with Mark Steven Manasse and Chandramohan A. Thekkath), 2010
Patent 7,590,854, Hierarchical identity-based encryption and signature schemes (with Craig B. Gentry), 2009
Patent 7,542,431, Nodal pattern configuration (with Mark Steven Manasse and Chandramohan A. Thekkath), 2009
European Patent WO/2003/081780,
Hierarchical identity-based encryption and signature schemes
(with Craig B. Gentry), 2008
Patent 7,443,980, Hierarchical identity-based encryption and signature schemes (with Craig B. Gentry), 2008
Patent 7,363,496, Authenticated ID-based cryptosystem with no key escrow (with Craig B. Gentry), 2008
Patent 7,353,395, Authenticated ID-based cryptosystem with no key escrow (with Craig B. Gentry), 2008
Patent 7,349,538, Hierarchical identity-based encryption and signature schemes (with Craig B. Gentry), 2008
Patent 7,337,322, Hierarchical identity-based encryption and signature schemes (with Craig B. Gentry), 2008
Patent 7,221,762, Authenticated ID-based cryptosystem with no key escrow (with Craig B. Gentry), 2007
Securing binding update using address based keys
(with James Kempf, Craig Gentry, Anand Desai, Satomi Okazaki, Yiqun Lisa Yin)
Securing neighbor discovery using address based keys
(with James Kempf, Craig Gentry)