E-mail: aaronc8@math.uci.edu
Please use my @math.uci.edu email - I use it exclusively for TA-ing to respond faster :)
Office Hours
Held in RH410V. I will hold office hours on:
M 4-5pm. I may be a little late to this one.
Tu 9-10am, 1-2pm (after sections).
W 4-5pm. I may be a little late to this one, too.
Exam Date Reminders and Materials
Midterm 1 Date: January 29 (Friday). Problem Solving / Review Session on Wednesday, 6:30-8:00pm in SSH 100.
Midterm 2 Date: February 26 (Friday).
Final Exam: Wednesday March 16, 1:30pm - 3:30pm.
For MT 1: My Solutions to Practice MT1, 12.5,
12.4, 12.1-3, 10.1-3.
MT 1 Solutions: My solutions/explanations to MT1. I doubt much of MT 1 will be on MT 2. It
should be helpful for the final, though.
For MT 2: Random Problems related to sections for MT 2.
Problem 4 actually cannot be a cone since d is nonzero. Also, the hint for #6 is not necessary.
Since I've heard absolute extrema isn't on this test, please ignore #2 and #9.
And Solutions to the random problems. If you see anything off, please let me know.
* #11 has been fixed for direction of steepest descent.
MT 2 Solutions: My solutions/explanations to MT2. Please let me know if you see any errors.
For the Final: Professor's
Note on changing order of integration, Another Note on
changing the order, but for triple integrals.
Notes and Resources
*1. Things not to do as a student. The author calls it a list of "badvice."
2. Graphing Program courtesy of Jess! "A free and simple program for
visualizing curves and surfaces in two and three dimensions."
3. If you are interested, another way to plot things is through
Matlab, which UCI students can get for free. There's also a simplified version of Matlab called Freemat if you don't want to do the registration involved.
If you need any help using Matlab for plotting purposes, please let me know!
4. Trignometric Identities cheat sheet.
I really like this one because it gives brief derivations of them, too.
5. Jess' Discussion Section. This is in case you are interested in what your
classmates are doing with Jess.
6. Academic Honesty. Know that you are really cheating yourself if you do so.
Quizzes (On the same Thursdays that HW is due)
Quizzes are on the same sections as the homework that is turned in that day.
Quiz 1 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 1 Afternoon Solutions
Quiz 2 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 2 Afternoon Solutions
Quiz 3 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 3 Afternoon Solutions
Quiz 4 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 4 Afternoon Solutions.(There's something wrong in Morning#1! Can you spot it?
Hint: Look at Denominator)
Quiz 5 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 5 Afternoon Solutions
Quiz 6 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 6 Afternoon Solutions. The "corners" are the endpoints of the domains for the
boundary functions. For example, in the morning quiz, the endpoints are (-2,0) and (4,0).
Quiz 7 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 7 Afternoon Solutions. Be careful on Morning #2, see the comment at the end.
**For example, you can go from -pi/3 to pi/3 OR you can go from 5pi/3 to 7pi/3.