E-mail: aaronc8@math.uci.edu
Please use my @math.uci.edu email - I use it exclusively for TA-ing to respond faster :)
Office Hours
Held in RH410V. I will hold office hours on:
M 4-5pm
Tu 9-10am, 4-5pm. I may be late from 9-10am because of discussion from 8-8:50am.
W 4-5pm
Exam Date Reminders and Materials
Midterm Date: Friday, Oct 28, 8:00-8:50am in class.
Final Exam: Monday, Dec 5, 8:00-10:00am (same place lecture hall?).
Discussion Problems' Solutions from Oct. 27th for the Midterm. Thanks Uyen
for reminding me about 4(c) ~
Some more practice problems if you are comfortable with the homework.
Again, I will not be posting solutions to these questions, but most of them are scattered around my old website for 2D.
I also had to edit some of the problems.
** If you have any questions, please email me about any of them! :) **
Locations of Solutions: **Keep in mind the numbers are NOT the same as on the exams**
#1,4,6,8 (On this MT: #1,2,4,5 ),
#2 (On the quiz: #1),
#3,5,7 (On this MT: #2,4,5),
#9abc,10,13,14 (On this MT: #2,1,3,4),
#9d,11,12 (On this MT: #5b,2,1b).
Please ignore the arrows coming from the level curves. They are gradients (we have not done those!)
Midterm Solutions Sketched.
Some things for the Final Exam:
See #5-#15 in this PDF. It's like an outline of the
ideas we've discussed in chapters 14-15. Not much math, but more big-picture ideas.
Winter 2015 Practice Problems for the final if
you are interested. Ignore the Mass/Center of Mass and Triple Integral questions!!
Winter 2015 Practice Problems' Solutions.
Again, ignore the Center of Mass/Triple Integral problems.
Some advice for studying:
*1) a. Make sure that you understand and know all the definitions, properties, and theorems from lecture. You can likely find them
in the book, too, if anything in lecture was unclear.
1) b. After studying, a good way to check this is to try some of the concept check questions in the "Review Chapters" of the book,
like Pg. 689, 841, 881 for the MT. Keep in mind that we didn't cover all the sections in Ch. 10 so some may not be relevant
(For example, ignore any questions on Foci or Conic Sections).
*2) Make sure that you can not only do the homework, but also that you understand the process for the problems.
3) If you are still in search of more things for studying, then I would highly suggest
the problems I posted as they have nice conceptual undertones to them.
Notes and Resources
*0. Things not to do as a student. The author calls it a list of "badvice."
1. Old Discussion website from the last time I taught 2D. I removed some book materials, though.
Keep in mind that we will be on our own pace, and the scheduling will not exactly align with the last time I taught it!
2. Graphing Program courtesy of Jess Boling. "A free and simple program for
visualizing curves and surfaces in two and three dimensions."
3. If you are interested, another way to plot things is through
Matlab, which UCI students can get for free. There's also a simplified version of Matlab called Freemat if you don't want to, or can't, do the registration involved.
If you need any help using Matlab for plotting purposes, please let me know!
4. Trignometric Identities cheat sheet.
I really like this one because it gives brief derivations of them, too.
5. Academic Honesty. Know that you are really cheating yourself if you do so. (Updated).
Quizzes (Every Thursday, except for MT week)
Quizzes are on the same sections as the homework that is assigned that week.
Quiz 1 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 1 Evening Solutions (Oops, I wrote Quiz 2 instead of Quiz 1).
Quiz 2 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 2 Evening Solutions.
Quiz 3 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 3 Evening Solutions. Also, there are
two other solutions for Evening 1(b).
Quiz 4 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 4 Evening Solutions.
Quiz 5 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 5 Evening Solutions. Recall I flip flopped the quizzes.
Quiz 6 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 6 Evening Solutions.
Quiz 7 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 7 Evening Solutions.
Quiz 8 Morning Solutions,
Quiz 8 Evening Solutions.