*Some Materials have been redacted to respect the publisher of the book*.
E-mail: aaronc8@math.uci.edu
Office Hours
Held in RH 248/250 (the rooms are joined). I will hold office hours on:
Tuesdays: 10-11AM, 2-3PM.
Wednesdays: 3-4PM.
Thursdays: 10-11AM.
Exam Dates and Materials
There will be one Midterm on Friday November 6th. Review Session: Wednesday November 4th, 6:30pm - 9:00pm in RH 306.
The 11 AM section's Final is on Friday December 11th 8AM - 10AM.
The 1 PM section's Final is on Wednesday December 9th 1:30-3:30 PM.
Final Review Session : Monday Dec 9th, 6:30pm - 8:30pm (maybe 9:00pm) in MSTB 124.
**0. The exams will largely be based on the homework, so that is your #1 study material.**
**1. Here is a concurrent linear algebra page and also a
past linear algebra page from Professor David Nadler at UC Berkeley.
(I had him for upper division linear algebra). He has lots of material posted and his exams look like very good practice
and are aligned with us.
For the Midterm: See Midterm 1's from Prof. Nadler,
F15MT1 Practice and
Solutions ,
F15MT1 and
Solutions ,
F14MT1 Practice and
Solutions ,
F14MT1 and
Solutions .
For the Final: All previous exams and
F15MT2 Practice and
Solutions ,
F15 MT 2 and
Solutions ,
F14MT2 Practice and
Solutions ,
F14MT2 and
Solutions .
2. Hamid Hezari (from UCI Math) previously taught the course and has some sample exams.
For the Midterm: Both
MT1 with
Solutions , and
For the Final: All previous material and Final Exam.
Notes and Resources
*0. How to lose points and be a bad student.
*1. Here are some notes that are related to our class from
one of my favorite instructors as an undergraduate. The material on our syllabus covers the notes on Math 290-1 and the beginning
of Math 290-2 on that page. These notes are only meant to supplement the work we do in lecture, discusssion, and on homeworks.
2. Here is Prof. Pantano's 3A website which has some extra material. Dr. Pantano
is very passionate about coming up with creative and/or effective ways to learn mathematics.
3. See Professor David Nadler's pages above from the exam materials.
*4. Worksheets/Group Exercises from class.
Worksheet on 1.7,1.8, and its Sketched Solutions.
Groups E & F's problems are from 1.8, not 1.7. My mistake.
Worksheet on 2.1,2.2, and its Sketched Solutions.
Problems from 2.3, 2.8, 2.9.
Problems from 3.1,3.2.
Problems from 3.3,5.1,5.2.
Homework 8 Hints and Examples.
Problems from Ch 5,5,6.1,6.2.
Homework Answers (HW is due every Thursday, check the main course webpage)
Answers to HW Problems
Hopefully they are useful for studying, checking your work, etc.
Quizzes (Every Thursday)
Quiz 1 Morning, Quiz 1 Afternoon
Quiz 2 Morning, Quiz 2 Afternoon
Quiz 3 Morning, Quiz 3 Afternoon
Quiz 4 Morning, Quiz 4 Afternoon
Quiz 5 Morning, Quiz 5 Afternoon
Quiz 6 Morning, Quiz 6 Afternoon
Quiz 7 Morning, Quiz 7 Afternoon
Quiz 8 Morning, Quiz 8 Afternoon
Quiz 9 Morning, Quiz 9 Afternoon