Measure of the part of the spectrum of Almost Mathieu operator


Victor Kleptsyn


CNRS, University of Rennes 1, France


Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

     For an arbitrary irrational angle \alpha and arbitrary coupling constant \lambda, the Lebesgue measure of the spectrum of the Almost Mathieu operator with these parameters is equal to 4 |1-\lambda|. This was first conjectured in works by S. Aubry and G. Andre (1980), and later established in a series of results by J. Avron, P. H. M. v. Mouche & B. Simon (1990), Jitomirskaya and Last (1998), Jitomirskaya and Krasovsky (2001), Avila and Krikorian (2006).
     The main result of this talk, that is a work in progress with Anton Gorodetski, is devoted to the answer to the following question: what can be said about the measure of the part of the spectrum that is comprised between two given gaps? We show that the dependence on the parameters is piecewise-analytic: it is analytic on any domain when the bounding gaps do not bifurcate. We also show that the moments of the Lebesgue measure, restricted on the spectrum, are polynomials in \lambda and trigonometric polynomials in \alpha.

On the triad program for sampling parameter-derivatives of of chaos


Angxiu Ni


UC Irvine


Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

Computing the linear response, or the derivative of long-time-averaged observables with respect to system parameters, is a central problem for many applications. Conventionally, there are three linear response formulas: the path-perturbation formula (including the backpropagation method in machine learning), the divergence formula, and the probability-kernel-differentiation formula. But none works for the general case, which is chaotic, high-dimensional, and small-noise. Then we present our fast response formula for hyperbolic systems, expressed by a pointwisely defined function; some of our ideas are from the classic proof of the hyperbolic linear responses. Hence, people can compute the linear response by sampling, that is, compute the average of some function over an orbit. The fast response formula overcomes all three difficulties under hyperbolicity assumptions. Then we discuss how to further incorporate kernel-differentiation to overcome non-hyperbolicity.

The spectra of Schrodinger operators over hyperbolic toral tranformations


Jake Fillman


Texas A&M


Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

We will discuss Schrodinger operators generated by hyperbolic transformations of tori and show that they cannot have any essential spectral gaps.The key ingredient is a topological argument using Johnson's gap-labelling theorem.

1-Dimensional Anderson Localization: Background and Tools


Karl Zieber


UC Irvine


Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

     Since its introduction in 1958, the 1-dimensional Anderson model of electron diffusion in random media has been of significant interest to physicists and mathematicians. Of particular concern is whether the model exhibits "spectral localization". Numerous localization results for iid potentials are known. Moreover, in the case of bounded potentials it is known that an assumption that potential values are given by identical distributions can be removed. We will discuss how one can remove an assumption of boundedness as well, using the recent results on random non-stationary matrix products. 

     In the first talk, we will cover the necessary background as well as spectral and dynamical tools that will be used in the proof. 

Dynamics of the Sturmian Trace Skew Product


Victor Kleptsyn


CNRS, University of Rennes 1, France


Tuesday, November 12, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

Schrödinger operators with Sturmian potential are highly analogous to the Almost Matthieu ones: the potential is also quasi-periodic with some frequency $\alpha$. In particular, the corresponding spectrum (plotted as a function of $\alpha$) forms so-called Kohmoto butterfly, that can be seen as a sibling to the Hofstadter butterfly, associated to the Almost Matthieu operator.

These operators and their spectra have been already extensively studied by many authors; in particular, many results have been obtained previously for the frequencies $\alpha$ that are quadratic irrationalities or of bounded type. A key element of many of these works is the study of corresponding renormalisation operators, acting on the associated Markov surface.

My talk will be devoted to our joint result with Anton Gorodetski and Seung uk Jang: we study the dynamics of the skew product that joins the renormalisation of the (traces of the) transition matrices and of the frequency $\alpha$. For this skew product, we construct explicitly a ``stable cone field’’ (over all irrational $\alpha$ and for an arbitrary coupling constant $\lambda$). This is a first step in our strategy of obtaining a dynamical/renormalization point of view on the self-similarity of the Kohmoto butterfly.

Critical regularity for nilpotent group actions in dimension one


Victor Kleptsyn


CNRS, University of Rennes 1, France


Friday, November 8, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

My talk will follow a joint work with Maximiliano Escayola, devoted to the study of critical regularities for nilpotent group actions. The questions of critical regularities have been studied by many authors in many different contexts: starting from the classical Denjoy theorem and example, there are works by M. Herman, J.-C. Yoccoz, N. Kopell, B. Deroin, A. Navas, C. Rivas, E. Jorquera, K. Parkhe, S.-H. Kim, T. Koberda, any many others.

Our main result allows to describe the critical regularity in algebraic terms; while proving it, we introduce some new technique for establishing the bounds. We also obtain a generalisation of Bass’ formula to the case of a relative growth of a nilpotent group with respect to its subgroup.

An example of an atomic physical measure for a non-invertible random dynamical system


Victor Kleptsyn


CNRS, University of Rennes 1, France


Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

Stationary measures are one of the key tools in the theory of random dynamical systems, and this naturally motivates the study of their properties. It is known that for an invertible RDS with no finite invariant sets, the corresponding stationary measures cannot have atoms. There are also generalizations of this property; in particular, in a recent joint work with A. Gorodetski and G. Monakov, we have established Hölder regularity of stationary measures for a system of bi-Lipschitz homeomorphisms under very mild assumptions: absence of a common invariant measure and some positive moment condition for the Lipschitz constant. It was also further recently generalized by G. Monakov, obtaining log-Hölder regularity under even milder assumptions for the system.

A next natural direction of generalization would be to attempt to remove the invertibility assumption, considering the maps that are only locally invertible. However, it turns out that such a generalization is impossible! Namely, in a recent joint work with V. Goverse, we construct an example of a smooth random dynamical system on the circle, consisting of locally invertible maps, having no common invariant measure, and for which there is an atomic stationary measure. Moreover, this stationary measure is physical: for a Lebesgue-generic initial point, its trajectory is almost surely distributed with respect to this measure. My talk will be devoted to the presentation of this example.

Central limit theorem for non-stationary random products of SL(2, R) matrices


Grigorii Monakov


UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

Consider a sequence of independent and identically distributed SL(2, R) matrices. There are several classical results by Le Page, Tutubalin, Benoist, Quint, and others that establish various forms of the central limit theorem for the products of such matrices. In our work, we generalize these results to the non-stationary case. Specifically, we prove that the properly shifted and normalized logarithm of the norm of a product of independent (but not necessarily identically distributed) SL(2, R) matrices converges to the standard normal distribution under natural assumptions. A key component of our proof is the regularity of the distribution of the unstable vector associated with these products.

Absolute continuity of stationary measures


Davi Obata


Brigham Young University


Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

 In this talk, we will study random dynamical systems of smooth surface diffeomorphisms. Aaron Brown and Federico Rodriguez Hertz showed that, in this setting, hyperbolic stationary measures have the SRB property, except when certain obstructions occur. Here, the SRB property essentially means that the measure is absolutely continuous along certain “nice” curves (unstable manifolds). In this talk, we want to understand conditions that guarantee that SRB stationary measures are absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure of the ambient space. Our approach is inspired by Tsujii's “transversality” method, which he used to show Palis conjecture for partially hyperbolic endomorphisms. This is a joint work with Aaron Brown, Homin Lee and Yuping Ruan.

Quantitative finiteness of hyperplanes in hybrid manifolds


Anthony Sanchez


University of California San Diego


Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

The geometry of non-arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds is mysterious in spite of how plentiful they are. McMullen and Reid independently conjectured that such manifolds have only finitely many totally geodesic hyperplanes and their conjecture was recently settled by Bader-Fisher-Miller-Stover in dimensions larger than 3. Their works rely on superrigidity theorems and are not constructive.

In this talk, we strengthen their result by proving a quantitative finiteness theorem for non-arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds that arise from a gluing construction of Gromov and Piatetski-Shapiro. Perhaps surprisingly, the proof relies on an effective density theorem for certain periodic orbits. The effective density theorem uses a number of ideas including Margulis functions, a restricted projection theorem, and an effective equidistribution result for measures that are nearly full dimensional. This is joint work with K. W. Ohm.


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