Rational Points on a Family of Genus 3 Hyperelliptic Curves


Roberto Hernandez


Emory Univeristy


Thursday, March 13, 2025 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve of genus $g \geq 2$. By Faltings Theorem, we know that there are only finitely many rational points on $C$. We compute the rational points on a family of genus 3 hyperelliptic curves which are curves of the form $y^2 = f(x)$ where $f(x)$ is a polynomial of degree $2g+1$ or $2g+2$ via the method of Dem’janenko-Manin.

How do generic properties spread?


Jerry Yu Fu




Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

Given a family of algebraic varieties over an irreducible scheme, a natural question to ask is what type of properties of the generic fiber, and how do those properties extend to other fibers. For example, the Hilbert irreducibility theorem states that a dominant map from an irreducible variety X defined over a number field to some projective space which is generically of degree d provides a Zariski dense set of degree d points on X. One can also get quantitative estimates for size of the complement which does not carry the generic property.

We will explore this topic from an arithmetic point of view by looking at several scenarios. For instance, suppose we have a 1-dimensional family of pairs of elliptic curves over a number field,  with the generic fiber of this family being a pair of non-isogenous elliptic curves. One may ask how does the property of "being (non-)isogenous" extends to the special fibers. Can we give a quantitative estimation for the number of specializations of height at most B, such that the two elliptic curves at the specializations are isogenous? 

The distribution of conjugates of an algebraic integer


Alexander Smith




Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

For every odd prime p, the number 2 + 2cos(2 pi/p) is an algebraic integer whose conjugates are all positive numbers; such a number is known as a totally positive algebraic integer. For large p, the average of the conjugates of this number is close to 2, which is small for a totally positive algebraic integer. The Schur-Siegel-Smyth trace problem, as posed by Borwein in 2002, is to show that no sequence of totally positive algebraic integers could best this bound.

In this talk, we will resolve this problem in an unexpected way by constructing infinitely many totally positive algebraic integers whose conjugates have an average of at most 1.899. To do this, we will apply a new method for constructing algebraic integers to an example first considered by Serre. We also will explain how our method can be used to find simple abelian varieties with extreme point counts.

The distribution of the cokernel of a random p-adic matrix


Myungjun Yu


Yonsei University


Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

The cokernel of a random p-adic matrix can be used to study the distribution of objects that arise naturally in number theory. For example, Cohen and Lenstra suggested a conjectural distribution of the p-parts of the ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic fields. Friedman and Washington proved that the distribution of the cokernel of a random p-adic matrix is the same as the Cohen–Lenstra distribution. Recently, Wood generalized the result of Friedman–Washington by considering a far more general class of measure on p-adic matrices. In this talk, we explain a further generalization of Wood’s work. This is joint work with Dong Yeap Kang and Jungin Lee.

Erdos-Kac type central limit theorem for randomly selected ideals in a Dedekind domain


Michael Cranston




Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

Using the Dedekind zeta function, one can randomly select an ideal in a Dedekind domain. Then the factorization of the randomly selected ideal into a product of prime ideals has very nice statistical properties. Using these properties one can examine the number of distinct prime ideals there are in the factorization and prove a central limit theorem as a certain parameter tends to one. This talk is based on joint work with E. Hsu.

Periods and p-adic Hodge structures


Christian Klevdal




Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

Complex Hodge theory equips the rational singular cohomology of smooth projective variety with a Hodge filtration, and period maps measure how these filtrations vary in families. Period maps are highly transcendental in nature, and the transcendence properties of these maps reflect interesting aspects of the geometry; for example a theorem of Cohen and Shiga-Wolfhart show that a complex abelian variety A has CM if and only both A and the Hodge filtration are defined over a number field.

In this talk, we describe a similar situation in p-adic Hodge theory, and discuss joint work with Sean Howe that proves an analogue of the theorem of Cohen and Shiga-Wolfhart. The first part of the talk will contain a brief introduction to Hodge theory, so no previous experience with Hodge theory (complex or p-adic) is required!

The arithmetic dynamics of the pentagram map


Max Weinreich


Harvard University


Thursday, December 5, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Zoom: https://uci.zoom.us/j/91741672832

In this talk, we study arithmetic properties of the pentagram map, a dynamical system on convex polygons in the real projective plane. The map sends a polygon to the shape formed by intersecting certain diagonals. This simple operation turns out to define a discrete integrable system, meaning roughly that it can be viewed as a translation map on a family of tori. We show that the pentagram map’s first or second iterate is birational to a translation on a family of Jacobian varieties of algebraic curves. In work in progress, we explore the question of which pentagram-like maps are integrable vs. chaotic. 

Reciprocity Laws and Congruences in Number Theory


Heejong Lee


Purdue University


Thursday, November 7, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Zoom: https://uci.zoom.us/j/98066115065

Gauss's quadratic reciprocity law has been extensively generalized in multiple directions within number theory. This talk will begin with explicit examples of reciprocity laws, including an interpretation of the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem by Wiles and Taylor-Wiles as a consequence of a reciprocity law. As part of this discussion, I will introduce modular forms, elliptic curves, and Galois representations, leading to an overview of the Langlands reciprocity. I will then discuss the role of congruences in the study of reciprocity laws, with a particular focus on the Serre weight conjectures. I will conclude by outlining the proof of the Serre weight conjectures for GSp4. This is partly based on joint work with Daniel Le and Bao Le Hung.


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