Choosing distinct points on cubic curves


Weiyan Chen


University of Minnesota


Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 3:00pm



RH 340P

It is a classical topic dating back to Maclaurin (1698–1746) to study certain special points on smooth cubic plane curves, such as the 9 inflection points (Maclaurin and Hesse), the 27 sextatic points (Cayley), and the 72 points "of type 9" (Gattazzo). Motivated by these algebro-geometric constructions, we ask the following topological question: is it possible to choose n distinct points on a smooth cubic plane curve as the curve varies continuously in family, for any integer n other than 9, 27 and 72? We will present both constructions and obstructions to such continuous choices of points, state a classification theorem for them, and discuss conjectures and open questions.

Finitely generated sequences of linear subspace arrangements


Nir Gadish


University of Chicago


Monday, March 19, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 340P

Hyperplane arrangements are a classical meeting point of topology, combinatorics and representation theory. Generalizing to arrangements of linear subspaces of arbitrary codimension, the theory becomes much more complicated. However, a crucial observation is that many natural sequences of arrangements seem to be defined using a finite amount of data.

In this talk I will describe a notion of 'finitely generation' for collections of arrangements, unifying the treatment of known examples. Such collections turn out to exhibit strong forms of stability, both in their combinatorics and in their cohomology representation. This structure makes the appearance of representation stability transparent and opens the door to generalizations

Spherical twists and projective twists in Fukaya categories


Weiwei Wu


University of Georgia


Monday, March 5, 2018 - 4:00pm


RH 340P

Seidel's Lagrangian Dehn twist exact sequence has been a
cornerstone of the theory of Fukaya categories.  In the last decade,
Huybrechts and Thomas discovered a new autoequivalence in the derived
cateogry of coherent sheaves using the so-called "projective objects", which
are presumably mirrors of Lagrangian projective spaces.   On the other hand,
Seidel's construction of Lagrangian Dehn twists as symplectomorphisms can be
easily generalized to Lagrangian projective spaces.  The induce
auto-equivalence on Fukaya categories are conjectured to be the mirror of
Huybrechts-Thomas's auto-equivalence on B-side.  

This remains open until recently, and I will explain my joint work with
Cheuk-Yu Mak on the solution to this conjecture using the technique of
Lagrangian cobordisms.  Moreover, we will explain a recent progress, again
joint with Cheuk-Yu Mak, on pushing this further to Lagrangian embeddings of
finite quotients of rank-one symmetric spaces, leading to another new class
of auto-equivalences, which are different from the classical spherical
twists only in coefficients of finite characteristics.

Subdivisional spaces and configuration spaces of graphs


Gabriel Drummond-Cole




Monday, January 22, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 340P

Configuration spaces of manifolds are often studied using the local model of configurations of Euclidean space. Configuration spaces of graphs have been studied as rigid combinatorial objects. I will describe a model for configuration spaces of cell complexes which combines the best features of both of these traditions, along with some applications in the homology of the configuration spaces of graphs. This is joint work with Byunghee An and Ben Knudsen.

Ordering actions on hyperbolic metric spaces


Carolyn Abbott


UC Berkeley


Monday, February 5, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 340P

Every group admits at least one action by isometries on a hyperbolic metric space, and certain classes of groups admit many different actions on different hyperbolic metric spaces (in fact, often uncountably many).  One such class of groups is the class of so-called acylindrically hyperbolic groups, which contains many interesting groups, such as mapping class groups, Out(F_n), and right-angled Artin and Coxeter groups, among many others.  In this talk, I will describe how to put a partial order on the set of actions of a given group on hyperbolic spaces which, in some sense, measures how much information about the group the action provides.  This partial order defines a "poset of actions" of the given group.  I will then define the class of acylindrically hyperbolic groups and give some structural properties of the resulting poset of actions for such groups.  In particular, I will discuss for which (classes of) groups the poset contains a largest element.

Cohomology of arithmetic groups and characteristic classes of manifold bundles


Bena Tshishiku


Harvard University


Monday, January 8, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 340P

A basic problem in the study of fiber bundles is to compute the ring H*(BDiff(M)) of characteristic classes of bundles with fiber a smooth manifold M. When M is a surface, this problem has ties to algebraic topology, geometric group theory, and algebraic geometry. Currently, we know only a very small percentage of the total cohomology. In this talk I will explain some of what is known and discuss some new characteristic classes (in the case dim M >>0) that come from the unstable cohomology of arithmetic groups. 

Joint Los Angeles Topology Seminar at Caltech


Joint Seminar


Monday, December 4, 2017 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm


201 E Bridge

Raphael Zentner (University of Regensburg): Irreducible SL(2,C)-representations of integer homology 3-spheres
We prove that the splicing of any two non-trivial knots in the 3-sphere admits an irreducible SU(2)-representation of its fundamental group. This uses instanton gauge theory, and in particular a non-vanishing result of Kronheimer-Mrowka and some new results that we establish for holonomy perturbations of the ASD equation. Using a result of Boileau, Rubinstein and Wang (which builds on the geometrization theorem of 3-manifolds), it follows that the fundamental group of any integer homology 3-sphere different from the 3-sphere admits irreducible representations of its fundamental group in SL(2,C).

Zhouli Xu (MIT): TBA

Joint Los Angeles Topology Seminar at UCLA


Joint Seminar


Monday, November 6, 2017 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm


MS 6627

Sheel Ganatra (USC): Liouville sectors and localizing Fukaya categories
We introduce a new class of Liouville manifolds-with-boundary, called Liouville sectors, and show they have well-behaved, covariantly functorial Fukaya/Floer theories. Stein manifolds frequently admit coverings by Liouville sectors, which can then be used to study the Fukaya category of the total space. Our first main result in this setup is a local criterion for generating (global) Fukaya categories. One of our goals, using this framework, is to obtain a combinatorial presentation of the Fukaya category of any Stein manifold. This is joint work with John Pardon and Vivek Shende.

Nathan Dunfield (UIUC): An SL(2, R) Casson-Lin invariant and applications
When M is the exterior of a knot K in the 3-sphere, Lin showed that the signature of K can be viewed as a Casson-style signed count of the SU(2) representations of pi_1(M) where the meridian has trace 0. This was later generalized to the fact that signature function of K on the unit circle counts SU(2) representations as a function of the trace of the meridan. I will define the SL(2, R) analog of these Casson-Lin invariants, and explain how it interacts with the original SU(2) version via a new kind of smooth resolution of the real points of certain SL(2, C) character varieties in which both kinds of representations live. I will use the new invariant to study left-orderability of Dehn fillings on M using the translation extension locus I introduced with Marc Culler, and also give a new proof of a recent theorem of Gordon's on parabolic SL(2, R) representations of two-bridge knot groups. This is joint work with Jake Rasmussen (Cambridge).


Algebraic Gluing of Holomorphic Discs in K3 Surfaces and Tropical Geometry


Yu-Shen Lin


Harvard CMSA


Monday, October 30, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 340P

We will start from the motivation of the tropical geometry. Then
we will explain how to use Lagrangian Floer theory to establish the
correspondence between the weighted counting of tropical curves to the
counting of holomorphic discs in K3 surfaces. In particular, the result
provides the existence of new holomorphic discs which do not come easily
from direct gluing argument.

Vector bundles and A^1-homotopy theory


Marc Hoyois




Monday, March 12, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 340P

The study of vector bundles on algebraic varieties is a classical topic at the intersection of geometry and commutative algebra. In its algebraic form it is the study of finitely generated projective modules over commutative rings. There are many long-standing conjectures and open questions about algebraic vector bundles, such as: is every topological vector bundle over complex projective space algebraic? In recent years, there have been a number of significant developments in this area made possible using the A^1-homotopy theory of algebraic varieties introduced by Morel and Voevodsky in the late 90s. The talk will provide some background on such questions and discuss some recent joint work with Aravind Asok and Matthias Wendt.


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