Natalia Komarova wins Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship

Three UC Irvine researchers have been awarded Sloan Research Fellowships
this year: Natalia Komarova, assistant professor of mathematics with a
joint appointment in ecology and evolutionary biology, for mathematics;
Frances Chance, assistant professor of neurobiology and behavior, for
neuroscience; and Thorsten Ritz, assistant professor of physics and
astronomy, for molecular biology. All three researchers are associated
with UCI's Center for Complex Biological Systems, an interdisciplinary

Terng, Ein Invited to Give Lectures at International Math Congress

Math professors Chuu-Lian Terng and Lawrence Ein have been invited to
give lectures in geometry and algebra, respectively, at the 2006
International Congress of Mathematicians to be held next summer in Madrid
~V a rare distinction for a single department to have two invited
speakers, particularly in different specialties. Ein, a new member of the
math faculty, is on leave at the University of Illinois at Chicago until
June 2006.



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