Multiscale analysis in micromagnetics: an example


Professor Felix Otto


Univ Bonn


Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

From the point of view of mathematics,
micromagnetics is an ideal playground for a pattern forming system in materials
science: There are abundant experiments on a wealth of visually
attractive phenomena and there is a well--accepted continuum model.

In this talk, I will focus on a specific
experimental observation for thin film ferromagnetic elements: Elements
with elongated rectangular cross--section are saturated along the longer
axis by a strong external field. Then the external field is slowly
reduced. At a certain field strength, the uniform magnetization buckles
into a quasiperiodic domain pattern which resembles a concertina.
Our hypothesis is that the period of this pattern is the
frozen--in period of the unstable mode at critical field.

Starting point for the analysis is the micromagnetic model which has three
length scales. We rigorously identify four scaling regimes for the
critical field. One of the regimes has been
overseen by the physics literature. It displays an
oscillatory unstable mode, which we identify asymptotically.
In this parameter regime, we identify
a scaling limit for the bifurcation.

The analysis amounts to the combination of an asymptotic
limit with a bifurcation argument. This is carried out by a suitable
``blow--up'' of the energy landscape in form of Gamma--convergence.
Numerical simulation of the normal form visualizes a homotopy
from a turning point to
the strongly nonlinear concertina pattern.
This is joint work with Ruben Cantero--Alvarez and Jutta Steiner.

Optimal Regularity and Nonlinear Parabolic Problems.


Patrick Guidotti


University of California - Irvine


Friday, October 7, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

This talk will give an introduction to optimal regularity as a tool to analyze (fully) nonlinear parabolic equations/systems. After a review of the major developments of the theory, the focus will shift to singular parabolic equations. It will be shown that optimal regularity results can be obtained for a large class of singular abstract Cauchy problems and, if time permits, applications of the theory will be presented.

Using nonlinear ComPanding (Compression-exPanding) to improve hearing in noise


Prof. Fan-Gang Zeng


UCI, Biomedical Engineering, Neurobiology, and Otolaryngology


Monday, September 26, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We will analyze the physiological and psychophysical mechanisms underlying nonlinear processing in the auditory system. We will present a nonlinear model in the amplitude-frequency domain (Companding) and itsimplementation in an attempt to improve speech recognition in noise. We will examine key parameters in the model and their behavioral relevance in terms of functional gain in both normal-hearing and cochlear-implant listeners.

The weighted least action principle


Prof. Jacob Rubinstein


Indiana University


Monday, October 10, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The least action principle of Fermat, Maupertuis, Lagrange, Hamilton
and others lies at the foundation of optics and classical mechanics. Given the
initial and final positions of a system of particles (rays), the orbit of the
particles (rays) is determined by minimizing the action. I shall describe a
generalization of this principle that applies to waves. The principle will be
derived first for the Schroedinger equation, and then it will be generalized
to other wave equations and to singular solutions. I shall
also consider the application of the principle to the design of phase sensors
and illumination systems.

Variational Principle of KPP Front Speeds in Temporally Random Shear Flows and Applications


Dr. James Nolen


University of Texas at Austin


Monday, October 3, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We establish the variational principle of Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov (KPP) front speeds in temporally random shear flows inside an infinite cylinder, under suitable assumptions of the shear field. A key quantity in the variational principle is the almost sure Lyapunov exponent of a heat operator with random potential. The variational principle then allows us to bound and compute the front speeds. We show the linear and quadratic laws of speed enhancement as well as a resonance-like dependence of front speed on the temporal shear correlation length.
To prove the variational principle, we use the comparison principle of solutions, the path integral representation of solutions, and large deviation estimates of the associated stochastic flows.

Examples of finite time singularity formation in fluid dynamics


Prof. Michael Siegle


NJ Institute of Technology


Monday, October 31, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

This talk will discuss results on singularity formation for two different fluid flow problems,
and the physical significance of these results.

The first problem is the so-called Muskat problem, which describes the evolution
of the interface between two immiscible fluids in a porous medium or Hele-Shaw cell. In contrast to the Hele-Shaw problem (the one phase version of the Muskat problem), there are few nontrivial exact solutions or analytic results for the Muskat problem.

For the stable Muskat problem, in which the higher viscosity fluid expands into the lower-viscosity
fluid, it is shown that smooth solutions exist for all t>0, even if the initial data contains weak (e.g., curvature) singularities.

For the unstable problem, in which the higher viscosity fluid contracts, solutions are constructed that start
off smooth but develop a singularity in finite time.

The second example is the unsteady Prandtl equations for flow in an incompressible boundary layer.
A semi-analytic method for constructing singular solutions is suggested, and some preliminary results
toward this construction are presented.

This is joint work with Russ Caflisch and Sam Howison.

A novel speech processing strategy to improve pitch perception in cochlear implants


Dr. Hongbin Chen


UCI, Neurobiology, Otolaryngology, Biomedical Engineering


Monday, January 23, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Thirty million Americans suffer from hearing loss. Several generations of the cochlear implant have been developed to help restore hearing to people with severe-to- profound hearing loss. The cochlear implant is surgically implanted in the inner ear and stimulates the auditory nerve with electric currents that encode certain acoustic features. We will review speech processing strategies that have been used for cochlear implants and discuss their performance and limitations. In general, the present cochlear implant users can understand 70-80% speech in quiet, allowing them to communicate over the telephone. However, their speech performance drops dramatically in a noisy environment. In addition, they cannot fully appreciate music. We will present a new sound processing strategy, which can dynamically encode the slowing varying as well as fast varying components in speech and music sounds.
Several experiments were performed to establish the utilities and limitations of the new speech strategy. A frequency modulation detection experiment revealed that cochlear implant users could only discern dynamic rate changes at low frequencies. Novel pulse trains, mimicking the stochastic neuron-firing pattern in normal acoustic hearing, were employed to improve rate pitch perception in cochlear implant users. Electrode ranking and pitch estimation experiments were conducted to examine the relative contributions of rate and place cues to pitch perception in electric hearing. Finally, the novel speech strategy was implemented on a real-time DSP processor, in which pitch information is encoded by varying the stimulation rate and the site of the stimulation. Results showed that optimally combining the rate and place pitch cues can improve the current cochlear-implant users melody recognition by as much as 36%. The new strategy has a great potential to improve cochlear implant users'

On some free boundary problems with moving contact lines and prescribed contact angle


Prof. G. Simonett


Vanderbilt University


Monday, November 7, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We investigate certain operator-valued symbols that arise
from elliptic or parabolic equations on wedge domains, and from free boundary problems with moving contact lines in the context of phase transitions and fluid flows. We show that the associated symbols lead to well-posed evolution problems. The tools involve recent results on maximal regularity for
non-commuting operators. (Joint work with J. Pruess.)


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