Spectral gaps of triangles and beyond


Professor Julie Rowlett


Uni. Bonn


Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In the 1980s, van den Berg speculated that for all parallelepipeds the gap between the first two Dirichlet eigenvalues is bounded below by a constant. Yau subsequently formulated the fundamental gap conjecture:

For all convex domains in $\R^n$, the gap between the first two Dirichlet eigenvalues is bounded below by $\frac{3 \pi^2}{d^2}$, where $d^2$ is the diameter of the domain.

This talk concerns the spectral gap between Dirichlet eigenvalues of convex domains in $\R^n$, and in particular, the fundamental gap of simplices and triangles. I will discuss recent progress with Z. Lu on the fundamental gap conjecture for triangles and simplices, new connections between Neumann eigenvalues and Dirichlet gaps, and demonstrate a relationship between the fundamental gap and Bakry-Emery geometry. In conclusion, I will offer ideas and open problems.

The effect of numerical integration on the finite element computation


Hengguang Li


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

It is well known that the discretization of a finite element method results in a linear system of equations, in which the matrix and the load vector are usually computed by numerical integration. The inexact integration may lead to a different linear system, and consequently, produce a different finite element solution. In this talk, we will first discuss the existing results on the impact of quadrature rules on the finite element approximation in the energy norm. Then, a sharp estimate on the convergence rate of the finite element approximation with numerical integration for linear functionals will be presented. This is the joint work with Ivo Babuska and Uday Banerjee.

A nonlocal analytic framework for the peridynamic models


Qiang Du


Friday, February 19, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

Peridynamics has been proposed by Silling as a new continuum materials theory which incorporates the modeling of long-range forces within a continuous body and allows a consistent atomistic to continuum coupling. In this talk, we present a mathematical framework for a nonlocal calculus of vector-valued functions which mimics the classical differential/integral (local) calculus. It is then used to analyze some linear peridynamic continuum models. We will address basic questions on their well-posedness and consider their relations to the classical PDE models. Implications on the accuracy of the finite dimensional numerical approximations to the peridynamic models will also be discussed.

Topological recursion relations for Gromov-Witten invariants


Professor Xiaobo Liu


University of Notre Dame


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Relations in tautological ring of moduli spaces of stable curves can produce universal equations for Gromov-Witten invariants for all compact symplectic manifolds. A typical example of such equations is the WDVV equation, which is a genus-0 equation and gives the associativity of the quantum cohomology. Finding such relations in higher genera is a very difficult problem. I will talk about some topological recursion relations for all genera which was proved in a joint paper with R. Pandharipande. Some of these relations can be used to prove a conjecture of Kefeng Liu and Hao Xu.

Vortex lattice theory: A particle interaction perspective


Paul Newton


Department of Aerospace Engineering, USC


Monday, March 1, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Recent experiments on the formation of vortex lattices in Bose-Einstein condensates has produced the need for a mathematical theory that is capable of predicting a broader class of lattice patterns, ones that are free of discrete-symmetries and can form in a random environment. In this talk, I will describe an $N$-particle based Hamiltonian theory which, if formulated in terms of the interparticle distances, leads to the analysis of a non-normal `configuration' matrix whose nullspace structure determines the existence or non-existence of a lattice. The singular value decomposition of this matrix leads to a method in which all lattice patterns, in principle, can be identified and calculated by a random-walk scheme which systematically uses the $m$-smallest singular values as a ratchet mechanism to home in on lattices with many new properties, including a complete lack of discrete symmetries and heterogeneous particle strengths. We will describe properties of the lattice that the singular value distribution of its configuration matrix reveals, most notably its Shannon entropy (related to robustness), size (Frobenius norm),
and distance between lattices (lattice density).

Universality Limits of a Reproducing Kernel for a Half-Line Schr\"odinger Operator and Clock Behavior of Eigenvalues


Anna Maltsev




Thursday, December 3, 2009 - 2:00pm


RH 306

We extend some recent results of Lubinsky, Levin, Simon, and Totik
from measures with compact support to spectral measures of
Schr\"odinger operators on the half-line. In particular, we define a
reproducing kernel $S_L$ for Schr\"odinger operators and we use it to
study the fine spacing of eigenvalues in a box of the half-line
Schr\"odinger operator with perturbed periodic potential. We show that
if solutions $u(\xi, x)$ are bounded in $x$ by $e^{\epsilon x}$
uniformly for $\xi$ near the spectrum in an average sense and the
spectral measure is positive and absolutely continuous in a bounded
interval $I$ in the interior of the spectrum with $\xi_0\in I$, then
uniformly in $I$
$$\frac{S_L(\xi_0 + a/L, \xi_0 + b/L)}{S_L(\xi_0, \xi_0)} \rightarrow
\frac{\sin(\pi\rho(\xi_0)(a - b))}{\pi\rho(\xi_0)(a - b)},$$ where
$\rho(\xi)d\xi$ is the density of states.
We deduce that the eigenvalues near $\xi_0$ in a large box of size $L$
are spaced asymptotically as $\frac{1}{L\rho}$. We adapt the methods
used to show similar results for orthogonal polynomials.

Universality Limits of a Reproducing Kernel for a Half-Line Schr\"odinger Operator and Clock Behavior of Eigenvalues


Anna Maltsev




RH 306

We extend some recent results of Lubinsky, Levin, Simon, and Totik
from measures with compact support to spectral measures of
Schr\"odinger operators on the half-line. In particular, we define a
reproducing kernel $S_L$ for Schr\"odinger operators and we use it to
study the fine spacing of eigenvalues in a box of the half-line
Schr\"odinger operator with perturbed periodic potential. We show that
if solutions $u(\xi, x)$ are bounded in $x$ by $e^{\epsilon x}$
uniformly for $\xi$ near the spectrum in an average sense and the
spectral measure is positive and absolutely continuous in a bounded
interval $I$ in the interior of the spectrum with $\xi_0\in I$, then
uniformly in $I$
$$\frac{S_L(\xi_0 + a/L, \xi_0 + b/L)}{S_L(\xi_0, \xi_0)} \rightarrow
\frac{\sin(\pi\rho(\xi_0)(a - b))}{\pi\rho(\xi_0)(a - b)},$$ where
$\rho(\xi)d\xi$ is the density of states.
We deduce that the eigenvalues near $\xi_0$ in a large box of size $L$
are spaced asymptotically as $\frac{1}{L\rho}$. We adapt the methods
used to show similar results for orthogonal polynomials.


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